I've been scrapping computers for a few months now, and up until today, the issue seemed to be getting pc's and components in large enough quantities from people with realistic ideas regarding what I can pay for them while still being able to make a profit, but not so many that I don't have the working capital to purchase them. Happily, that era has come to a screeching halt.
This morning in my email was a message that read "Got your number from a friend of mine. I have around 2000 older computers and wanted to know if you were interested." Being the pessimist I usually am, I thought to myself, "that just has to be a typo, I bet he meant 200." Even with that thought I didn't get myself too excited.... In my experience "I have 200 computers" usually means they're hoarders and have 75 computers piled in 12 different locations around their garage and filthy outbuildings.
So I call the guy and sure enough, he insists that he has 2000 pc's plus several pallets of miscellaneous parts, printers, crt monitors, etc. He lives 45 min away, so I waited until my wife got off work and we both drove up to his place in a very rural area.
He took me into a huge metal barn/garage... There I find pallets galore of beautiful, clean, neatly stacked and organized computers, servers, printers, monitors, software, and components. Each pc has been meticulously labeled showing the processor type/speed, memory, and pci boards contained within. A quick mental rough count of pallets and the avg number of pcs on each pallet leads me to believe that he has thrown me a very conservative guesstimate. I believe there are actually about 2750-3250 computers on hand. There are at least a dozen pallets that contain miscellaneous motherboards, video cards, modems, cd rom drives, floppy drives, hard drives, cables, heat sinks, RAM sticks, etc. There's even a stack of ancient scuzzy cd burners that were very high dollar items back in the day.
There are tons of items that still sell on
ebay, including hundreds of new in the package copies of Windows 98, MS Office, MS Works, etc. There are 5.25" combo floppy drives. The place is a treasure trove!!!
We started talking about processors and he points to two pallets of pcs stacked 7ft high. Those he says, are PENTIUM PRO!!! At this point I'm hoping he doesn't think I'm gay, 'cuz I know I've got to be sportin' a giant boner.
I estimate that by meticulously cleaning, sorting, researching, cataloging and scrapping/selling the items, that there is between $50k and $75k worth of stuff. He instinctively knew that I sure as hell didn't have the operating cash, nor the logistical means to write him a check and truck the stuff out of there, so before the subject even came up he proposed that me and my helper do all the scrapping/selling, and we split the cash straight down the middle (after any expenses). AND, we get to do it all on the spot instead of trucking a couple hundred pc's every couple of days.
As if this wasn't enough, he then offers to finance any large purchases of materials to scrap in the future telling me, "If I can flip my money in a week's time and make 10% on it like a pawnbroker, I'll be happy as a clam."
This is the best day I've had in quite some time. Couldn't ask for a better financial agreement. And to top it off, the guy's a dyed-in-the-wool sweetheart (although he carries a loaded Colt 1911 on his hip) who wanted nothing more than a handshake to seal the deal.