Originally Posted by
George, thats great when that happens!!
Yeah. I also emailed one of my foreclosure lady's who get properties in all the time. Unfortunately they only pay 1 time a month, and I can't wait that long. So I was just removing appliances and vehicles before. So now, thanks to electronic scrapping, I mad her a new offer. For her to send me the property profiles of anything that she gets in, and I will look at the pictures. If I see ANYTHING worth of value to me (
scrap metal, electronics, furniture that can be sold, or anything else that can be sold or broken down) then I will go get those items for FREE. She gladly accepted. She knows that if she gets a client who needs a property cleaned and will pay upon completion, I will be right there.
Then she told me in a day or two she will have a car for me to take. Dang, I love this business!
Out of 10 business I have owned personally, I love this one and my investment company the most. Get to help others, and make money too.