I paid 30 bucks for this load. I got 6 filing cabinets,5 vacuums, 2 dehumidifiers, a shelf, 2 carpet cleaners, a giant leg massager, 20 pound motor, lawnmower, some folding chairs, 3 drills, vcr, all in one printer, 2 scanners, 2 small BBQ's, And a unch of other small plug in stuff and bits of metal. All in all I would guess its about 1000 pounds of stuff.
Oh yeah I love the crapper strapped to the top too
As a side note while I was loading all this stuff up a guy came up to me and asked If i was a scrapper. DUH yes. He said he had a treadmill and a bunch of other crap I could have. So I gave him my number hes going to call me this week to come pick it all up for him. Then while I was loading all my goodies a couple in a VW jetta had baught a dresser and an office chair. I had some room in my truck so I offered to put it in my truck and follow them home. They offerd to give me money for gas but just ahppen to be the way I was going anyway so I did it for free. Come to find out there brother is a guy who runs estate sales here in colorado. So I gave them my info and they said they would talk to the brother and get me set up to do after sale cleanups of metal. Might of just hit a goldmine for a random act of kindness. Got to love Karma