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  1. #1
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    My estate sale pickup today and a HUGE positive Karma hit

    I paid 30 bucks for this load. I got 6 filing cabinets,5 vacuums, 2 dehumidifiers, a shelf, 2 carpet cleaners, a giant leg massager, 20 pound motor, lawnmower, some folding chairs, 3 drills, vcr, all in one printer, 2 scanners, 2 small BBQ's, And a unch of other small plug in stuff and bits of metal. All in all I would guess its about 1000 pounds of stuff.
    Oh yeah I love the crapper strapped to the top too

    As a side note while I was loading all this stuff up a guy came up to me and asked If i was a scrapper. DUH yes. He said he had a treadmill and a bunch of other crap I could have. So I gave him my number hes going to call me this week to come pick it all up for him. Then while I was loading all my goodies a couple in a VW jetta had baught a dresser and an office chair. I had some room in my truck so I offered to put it in my truck and follow them home. They offerd to give me money for gas but just ahppen to be the way I was going anyway so I did it for free. Come to find out there brother is a guy who runs estate sales here in colorado. So I gave them my info and they said they would talk to the brother and get me set up to do after sale cleanups of metal. Might of just hit a goldmine for a random act of kindness. Got to love Karma

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  3. #2
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    Wow, that is one hell of a great load....It is always great whenyou get stuff added when people realize you are a scrapper.

  4. #3
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    Nice. Never know what will happen until it happens. Just keep putting your best foot out an good things will follow.
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  5. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Way to go PartTimer!
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  6. #5
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    So I gave him my number hes going to call me this week to come pick it all up
    Was you using some business cards like I've mentioned a few times,,,?
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  7. #6
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Was you using some business cards like I've mentioned a few times,,,?
    I am getting some made as we speak.

  8. #7
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Way to go PartTimer!
    He may have to edit that user name soon!!

    Karma is great!

    What goes around......

    Nice one
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  9. #8
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post

    I paid 30 bucks for this load. I got 6 filing cabinets,5 vacuums, 2 dehumidifiers, a shelf, 2 carpet cleaners, a giant leg massager, 20 pound motor, lawnmower, some folding chairs, 3 drills, vcr, all in one printer, 2 scanners, 2 small BBQ's, And a unch of other small plug in stuff and bits of metal. All in all I would guess its about 1000 pounds of stuff.
    Oh yeah I love the crapper strapped to the top too

    As a side note while I was loading all this stuff up a guy came up to me and asked If i was a scrapper. DUH yes. He said he had a treadmill and a bunch of other crap I could have. So I gave him my number hes going to call me this week to come pick it all up for him. Then while I was loading all my goodies a couple in a VW jetta had baught a dresser and an office chair. I had some room in my truck so I offered to put it in my truck and follow them home. They offerd to give me money for gas but just ahppen to be the way I was going anyway so I did it for free. Come to find out there brother is a guy who runs estate sales here in colorado. So I gave them my info and they said they would talk to the brother and get me set up to do after sale cleanups of metal. Might of just hit a goldmine for a random act of kindness. Got to love Karma
    Good job...that is how you do things in this business. Granted, I am not one to pay as I get it all for FREE, but none the less, everyone has their own way, and your $30 investment, will over time reap thousands. Not bad.
    George Beale - Founder & President -
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  10. #9
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    Awesome story. Love hearing this kind of stuff. I am a huge believer in "the more you give, the more you get." Obviously it cannot be forced, it has to just be part of your character. Great job!

  11. #10
    LadyScrappers's Avatar
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    Nice score!!!

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