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damage is done

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    damage is done

    I can feel the change of tude in people I tried a little picking today and I see a different temperament in people, a lack of trust , dirty looks ,
    It’s really sad for flood victims first , But today I was in a area with no flood issues .
    I feel people are reading the news paper sensations, that people were putting there items to dry in the sun , then people acting like scrapers (in a sense) would take there stuff
    The cops who are used to seeing pick ups with items in it now will stop scrapers JUST BECAUSE. Home owners hearing the theft stories see all scrapers now in a non trusting light
    For the first time I encountered resistance I saw a nice pile of short and other goodies worth about $20 It was at the curb for sure well the guy sees me and says don’t take it I said I understand but I was hoping to buy it from you ..For the good will of the situation I offerd him .08 per pound.. For creating goodwill,.02 profit was ok with me
    He just snidely looked at me and said NO .
    All I can say is (sarcastic) thanks to the posers for damaging the scrap life stile.

    Last edited by Copper Head; 09-19-2011 at 05:54 PM.

  2. #2
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    I can see where some people may have gotten a bad taste in their mouths from all the media. I'm thankful that my word of mouth advertising and reputation in my area is stronger than any stereotyping. Just yesterday I had a call from a potential client about 2 flooded campers. I'm waiting for some more information about them and may look at them today.

    Don't give up hope, if your trustworthy, they will still come to you.
    CMHN Recycling

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    I can see where some people may have gotten a bad taste in their mouths from all the media. I'm thankful that my word of mouth advertising and reputation in my area is stronger than any stereotyping. Just yesterday I had a call from a potential client about 2 flooded campers. I'm waiting for some more information about them and may look at them today.

    Don't give up hope, if your trustworthy, they will still come to you.
    Key word here, Come to you. I admire your business ethics.

    Your not acting like a Vulture waiting for something to die, your giving a reputable service.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Key word here, Come to you. I admire your business ethics.

    Your not acting like a Vulture waiting for something to die, your giving a reputable service.
    We all give a great service from those who pick up trash on the curb or from the side of the street to those who run small and large yards.

    With out the scrappers the scrap yard would have less metal an could close down. Less metal in the yards means the less metal the refinery's have...less metal they have will filter down into every day life an job love from making cars to building buildings to making ANYTHING that needs metal....costs of thees items will jump sky high.

    So even thinking of a scrapper as a vulture is kinda wrong....I know its not the cleanest job, an easy job or any one of those things but its a job that HAS to be done BY someone to keep the life that we have going.
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  6. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post
    We all give a great service from those who pick up trash on the curb or from the side of the street to those who run small and large yards.

    With out the scrappers the scrap yard would have less metal an could close down. Less metal in the yards means the less metal the refinery's have...less metal they have will filter down into every day life an job love from making cars to building buildings to making ANYTHING that needs metal....costs of thees items will jump sky high.

    So even thinking of a scrapper as a vulture is kinda wrong....I know its not the cleanest job, an easy job or any one of those things but its a job that HAS to be done BY someone to keep the life that we have going.
    Excuse me if I find your comments funny and off the wall.

    On my guesstimate 95 percent of the scrap your now picking up came from China made from resources we shipped there.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Excuse me if I find your comments funny and off the wall.

    On my guesstimate 95 percent of the scrap your now picking up came from China made from resources we shipped there.
    Still made with metal that was picked up by hand/truck at some point in time.

    There are a few good many items we make here from metal. We have a large metal/steel refinery here as well.

    Point is...scrappers play a large role in recycling.
    Last edited by Mick; 09-19-2011 at 11:32 AM. Reason: change word for meaning

  8. #7
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    I have no doubt that "scrappers" play a large role in recycling and not all "scrappers" are vultures. But what I consider vultures are the ones that only come out when there is a natural disaster like our recent flooding. They come out, make quick cash at somebodies misfortune, the is not heard from again. These are the ones that give the rest of us a bad name.

    Call me weird, but I liked it when the price was low, I had less competition then. When the price for shred was at 40 a ton, I was the only person on craigslist, I had to turn away work because there was so much scrap to be had. But since the price is so high, the "vultures" have came out of the woodwork and scrap is getting harder to come by. But that is business and you just have to figure out a way to be better then they are so you get the scrap. Like I said before, I have been doing this since 1995, so I have a lot of word of mouth advertizing, and former clients that look me up instead of giving to somebody else.

    The following is my Craigslist add:

    The family at CMHN Recycling would like to express our sincere condolences for everybody who has suffered from the recent floods. We know that the times ahead will be trying and we hope you all make a speedy recovery.

    Good luck and God bless.

    We are here if you need us.

    This was a heart felt statement and wasn't intended to drum up any business, but I have been contacted by 6 people to come and remove some items from their flooded homes. I guess my kindness is a refreshing change from the standard; "I want your scrap, I will pick it up for free" ad's that are plastered all over Craigslist.

  9. #8
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    Yes I like it when there are no disasters, I would rather find it in good times. As i spent $60 at the supermarket I realized my work is good for the community since I'll spend my money in town. I don't think laws should change so the state gets money from item, As NYC enforces that now . They need to leave some thing for the common guy.I believe a law from supreme court 1989 states trash at curb is public domain but any body who knows law let me know

  10. #9
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    Excuse me if I find your comments funny and off the wall.

    On my guesstimate 95 percent of the scrap your now picking up came from China made from resources we shipped there.
    Which is why I deal mostly with the yard that ships 95% of the scrap we bring there to the nearest big town with steel mills. the other one I use sends it overseas. Trust me, I asked each place where their scrap goes and both were honest about it.

    Copper Head, keep your chin up and your attitude positive and things will be ok as long as they see how you deal with things.People will learn and see you are an honest scrapper.

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gustavus View Post
    key word here, come to you. I admire your business ethics.

    Your not acting like a vulture waiting for something to die, your giving a reputable service.

    haha hahahahahahahaa!

  12. #11
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    I do not have any disasters going on here except Rick Perry as governor. So I just find scrap where I can...I try to use the not so taken care of neighborhoods but oddly enough. I am 1000% confident now after just a few minutes of it. That here in the bible belt..drinking is big..and if you have an hour or 2 and your in the right places...its possible to acquire 50 pounds of aluminum from beer cans haha. As for the Damage of Sept 1'st we cannot recycle utility polls without paperwork..Cool I guess except I came across 3 that look like they are from the 1970's and no one not even the city knows wtf. Now someone has to come out and instead of me just showing up with an Electric Reciprocating Saw and cutting them up into bits that will fit in my long bed...I have to go back out and meet with a city worker at some time or they have to go check them out and get back to me... I picked up a bunch of little RR spikes and turns out now in Tx you cannot recycle those either without paperwork. Though I picked up the spikes before I came to this site and found out you could not do this haha.

    I just started out myself and mostly rely on luck as I have no possible way of advertising until more "stable" courier work comes in. Though I am hopeful everyday I will come across abandoned stuff here and there. I am more interested in picking up junk cars and scrapping those but need a 16ft trailer or car hauler. Around here those are EASY money, or can be..

  13. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junkernaut View Post
    I do not have any disasters going on here except Rick Perry as governor.

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    I just started out myself and mostly rely on luck as I have no possible way of advertising until more "stable" courier work comes in.
    Junkernaut, if you have not read my thread yet about the business cards, that is exactly why I posted it. Might help you out with some really cheap advertising starting out.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  16. #14
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    I noticed lots of negative posts on Craigs List against scrap collectors in a city south of here that suffered from severe flooding. Its too bad that scrap collectors are getting a bad name. I am concerned that recyclable metals are being landfilled instead of reprocessed. Not sure if the municipalities are making income from it when picked up, that is money that is sorely needed in those areas.

  17. #15
    Copper Head started this thread.
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    I have educated myself & i am not so happy with the answers
    Curb scraping is up to the police who patrol and ultimately the home owner since most towns it is not legal to collect items from curb. BUT 99% of the patrol cops will leave the scrapper alone but sooner or later one might hit the ball buster . So that's kinda unnerving
    If a home owner complains to the cops one can get into hot water.
    Now considering a large yard by me has donated $100,000 to flood relief , I feel my work is helping in a small way. But look guys & gals of course if it makes it to trash trucks I am sure it's all sorted and much metal is recovered.
    And a town might even get a few bucks.
    The deal when i collect is i buy gas & buy food in the town i collect. I talk to lots of people & do the best i can for public relations. I can't stress this more , BE POLITE if not this might be you last day curb collecting.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 09-23-2011 at 02:24 AM.

  18. #16
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Whenever I mention scrapping metal to people, the 'all talk & no actions' start going on about 'people stealing copper planter boxs & hotwater cylinders'.
    Now these are the storys I read about in the newspapers.

    Ok, they ARE true but whats happening is people talk when they get drunk in a pub & the same conversations get recycled over & over again.
    In fact, I can see the discrepancy's popup & now know where they got the info. I don't bother to correct them now, knowing that 'too much info in a idiot' is worse than 'a idiot who knows nothing'.

    Like the idiot who said to me "Those motors weigh 5kg & coppers worth $6 a Kg, so thats worth $30"
    In fact, its 1Kg of Copper & 4 Kg of iron, = $6. IF the coppers stripped off it, which takes 20minutes....

    And "The computer chips are worth their weight in Gold"
    The only thing worth its weight in gold, is, GOLD! & they don't make computer chips out of gold.....

    A good hint for dealing with the Police is, find something, something else, something valuable, & take it into the Police station & file a 'Found property report'.

    Even better if theres details that will get them back to the owner. Tell them you were scrapping metal & found this...
    If the owner isn't found, you get to keep it anyway.

    I have been stopped several times & details checked, sweet, I'm doing nothing illegal, I explain what I'm doing & tell them I'm carrying a cellphone & if I ever see anything dubious I can call them too.

    Some are quite interested & ask questions to get accurate info about the market.
    In one spot they found me in and during the talk I mentioned that when I started there were other people doing the same thing as me, but making a mess.
    By coincidence there were some heavy machinery in the area & some of it had been vandalized & parts stolen, batterys & alternators etc.
    I was able to tell them what was happening, the batterys & alternators were being stolen by people wanting to generate their own power.
    Because they were 24V DC they didn't have to spend as much $ to buy a invertor to shift it up to 240V AC.....

    "Ah ha!" they go. Now they know why it was happening so often. That info gets around the Police pretty quickly, helps them heaps.
    The other thing.. It never happened again once I had started scrapping in that area, I knew my start date & we quickly relised that my presence was deterring thief's.

    After that, passing Police give me a toot on the horn, one dropped in hoping to get a special electrical part & others just stop for a yarn. This is at 3am.....
    Some stop to check about a report, screaming girls is one thing, fast cars on the run is another, explosions once, coulda been a gunshot or a backfring car. Rules out gunshot, describes car.

    Other times I guess nothings happening & they want something to go on their worksheet..

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