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My 1st day as a scrapper-How'd I do?

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper

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    ixcelr84scraps started this thread.
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    My 1st day as a scrapper-How'd I do?

    Up at 4 am, on the road at 6. w00t!

    I went to 10 apt. complexes all on same road in one town. I met maintenance and management at a few who agreed to let me know when they have appliances. One apt complex has 6 evictions this week and will call me when scraps come up.

    Stop at auto repair complex and 1 fellow said he'd save his stuff for me. Many places I popped in already have regular scrappers coming, which I expected.

    On my journey I found:
    1 Frig, several vacuums, bikes, strollers, ac fans, a sink w/brass fittings and lamps…took to scrap yard and rec’d 101.12

    From craigslist ad posted this morning, 5 responses…today picked up home gym-have on consignment at sports store and will receive 124.99- 2 tvs-dropped at Good Will-charged $20 removal, pu’d bed rails/frame, heater which is still on truck. Have appt to pick up washer/dryer in the am.

    Stopped at random TV repair shop and made a good contact with repair man who will buy flat panels w/broken screens, tvs working and not working in need of repair, old radios, musical instruments and amps. I sold clarinet found in dumpster for $20.

    I turned down 1 craigslist call for trash haul, was too far away for the price and they could find someone cheaper closer to their area.

    Found a thrift store that holds monthly sale, everything you can fit in bag for $3 a bag. They had silver/brass on shelves but overpriced IMO, so I didn't purchase.

    Total made 1st scrapping day was 266.11 less gas (still have 3/4 tank) and still have bike on truck found on way home, bed rails/frame, heater and other items scheduled for pick up tomorrow.

    5-6 hours out.

    How do y'all think I did?

    I have soooooooooooo much to learn.

    Last edited by ixcelr84scraps; 09-19-2011 at 05:29 PM.

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