I run a daily ad on CL clearly stating 1. I am acomputer recycler. 2. I will pay $5 for complete computer systems. Of course 4 out of 5 calls are people who want $25 to $100 for their perfictly working gems, no matter they are 1998 models with no updates. I do get that one out of five that works out so it has been worth the hastle, that said, 4 days ago I get a call from FT Benning GA.
The woman says she has 15 complete Dell 4400 systems in new condition complete with flat monitors. she clearly states she wants $250 for all of them, so we figgure it out on the phone comes to about $16 each. Well I figgure at least half of them should work since she said they all do, and I could dump them on the net for $70 to $100 and make a little. It sounds like a pretty safe investment so we arrange to meet her in Dothan AL yeaterday.
she shows up in a Linclon Navigator, and we look at the merchandise, of courese it was not in new condition, but was in fair used condition, so we start loading them in the truck, and I hand her the $250 and go back to loading we get half way done and she is looking at me kind of strangely, so I ask her if any thing is wrong. She says well what about the rest of the money, and I say , you said $250 right, she says but they are $250 each, Luckly she still had my $250 in her hand, so i just walked over and took it back, and laughed, and said lady I can buy brand new Dells and even lap tops for $300 what in the world make you thing a computer scrap company would pay $250 for these, her reply, but they have a lot of gold in them.
My guess is her Husband is a supply sargent at Benning, he was short fat and a high tight hair cut, I am tempted to call CID at Benning, but I wont Ill just chalk it up as Just another day in the life of a scrapper.