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Other scrappers

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    hobo finds started this thread.
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    Other scrappers

    What do you do when you meet up with other scrappers as you are going thru alleys? I always wave at them! Today you would have thought these guys wanted to kill me with the looks they gave. Times are tough and metal prices are still high by me, so I am aware that I will find competition. But dose everyone out there need to be a **** about it? Wave and move on to the next alley!

  2. #2
    Hypoman's Avatar
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    punch them in the face.
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  3. #3
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    after posting that I realized some may take offense to that. Don't worry, I was just kidding..... that's just my sense of humor. Have a nice day

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  5. #4
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    as times get tougher it aint going to improve. we would like to think all scrappers out there are just like us, sadly all are not. we will have to not only work harder but smarter.

  6. #5
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    similar situation, I guess. I have been getting 95% of my scrap from where I work ( have been for at least a year) today I find out a guy and his wife I work with, and am friends with, decided that they want to give scrappin a shot... kool with me I gues. I just think its kind shady for them to start trying to claim things in the warehouse bofore I can.

    Today they beat me to a large printer, (bigger than the epson I got last week) I didnt let it bother me though, I also didnt tell him he is not going to get much metal scrap from it though! and no one in town buys e-waste as of yet. I have a feeling that once he gets it home, and finds out he cant do much with it, I will be picking it up from him :-) lol

  7. #6
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    I will talk with almost every "scrapper" I come across. Its good to make friends with your competition, some will give you leads, some will give you tips about how to take something apart, but others will just say hi and walk away. I have even had a few come to my door, and ask if I wanted to get rid of the stuff I had piled up. LOL, its funny that they never saw the sign on my truck that was sitting in front of their truck when they parked. I gave them a high price and they just left, I was laughing the entire time.
    CMHN Recycling

  8. #7
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    I tell all the scraper I meet that I will buy there computers for $5 each and then hand them my brand new cards I just made. When I went to the yard on tuesday I baught 3 towers from the person I parked next too at the shred pile. She was just throwing them out whole and one was a sun server. Not all scrappers know what ewaste is worth so offer to buy it from them you would be surprised. Im seriously considering going to the scrap yard and parking outside on my next day off for the day with a sign offering to buy towers just to see how many I get in a day.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Im seriously considering going to the scrap yard and parking outside on my next day off for the day with a sign offering to buy towers just to see how many I get in a day.

    If I did something like that at my scrap yard, I would be welcomed with a shot gun in my back. LOL Good luck.

  10. #9
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Anytime I pass anyone where I live I always wave a friendly hello but get looks like, ''grrrrrrr.....get outta my way freak.'' It boggles my mind because why the hostility? We are all trying to make some honest money but there is no need to be a jerk about it. The first time I scrapped by my parents and was going down one road a guy waved a nice extended friendly hello type wave and I was so shocked at the difference in attitude I was floored! I haven't met an angry scrapper yet in that area. I've talked to many and exchanged tips/questions with them and one lady even remembered I'm the one who's mom goes with her! maybe the mentality is just the area being scrapped? I dunno. *shrugs*

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    If I did something like that at my scrap yard, I would be welcomed with a shot gun in my back. LOL Good luck.
    Well here in denver the scrap yard I go to is located in an industrial area. I was just considering parking along one of the streets leading to it with a sign. Probable wont do it but it has crossed my mind.

  12. #11
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    hey attitude...did you tell that lady that you once left your Mom in your truck buried so deeply in scrap that she couldn't get out !!!???? You and PartTimeScrapper and Hypoman are cracking me up tonight. Or maybe I'm just slap-happy after listening to some of the pres. debate!!??

  13. #12
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    I tell all the scraper I meet that I will buy there computers for $5 each and then hand them my brand new cards I just made. When I went to the yard on tuesday I baught 3 towers from the person I parked next too at the shred pile. She was just throwing them out whole and one was a sun server. Not all scrappers know what ewaste is worth so offer to buy it from them you would be surprised. Im seriously considering going to the scrap yard and parking outside on my next day off for the day with a sign offering to buy towers just to see how many I get in a day.
    Just curios about the $5...alot of posters on here say that they pay $5 for a tower.. BUT if this lady was throwing it away, why not just offer her $5 for the lot?? better for you, and still a win for her..

    I can just see the danger of an escillating price on therse if the 'norm' now is a fiver, what will it be in 12 mths when a few hundred other scrappers decide to try the same?

    Don't take this the wrong way...and sorry for the thread hi-jack, I just rekon you could be making it alot cheaper on yourself

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  14. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dumpster Dee View Post
    hey attitude...did you tell that lady that you once left your Mom in your truck buried so deeply in scrap that she couldn't get out !!!???? You and PartTimeScrapper and Hypoman are cracking me up tonight. Or maybe I'm just slap-happy after listening to some of the pres. debate!!??
    Lol Dee, no I didn't! I think my brain has ''forgotten'' that little ......slip up out of sheer survival mentality!! Like, one of those things best left unspoken/thought about if I want my mom to continue to go with me!

  15. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torker Man View Post
    Just curios about the $5...alot of posters on here say that they pay $5 for a tower.. BUT if this lady was throwing it away, why not just offer her $5 for the lot?? better for you, and still a win for her..

    I can just see the danger of an escillating price on therse if the 'norm' now is a fiver, what will it be in 12 mths when a few hundred other scrappers decide to try the same?

    Don't take this the wrong way...and sorry for the thread hi-jack, I just rekon you could be making it alot cheaper on yourself

    Considering we were on the scrapyard grounds unloading our trucks onto the shred pile. I had $20 bucks cash on me at the time in 5's. My yard pays $.10 per pound for shred steel. S0 since one was a server and the other 2 were desktops I was guessing the weight to be about 70 lbs total. So i wanted to make it worth it to them to say yes and sell them to me and not sell them as shred. I wanted a no brainer on their part. I gave them a card as well for future sales. I try to pay $3 to $5 dollars per tower now that im looking to buy them. SO I was looking at it as setting up future sales as much as making a quick few bucks off the 3 PC's.

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  17. #15
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Considering we were on the scrapyard grounds unloading our trucks onto the shred pile. I had $20 bucks cash on me at the time in 5's. My yard pays $.10 per pound for shred steel. S0 since one was a server and the other 2 were desktops I was guessing the weight to be about 70 lbs total. So i wanted to make it worth it to them to say yes and sell them to me and not sell them as shred. I wanted a no brainer on their part. I gave them a card as well for future sales. I try to pay $3 to $5 dollars per tower now that im looking to buy them. SO I was looking at it as setting up future sales as much as making a quick few bucks off the 3 PC's.
    Good call PTS.
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  18. #16
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Thanks PTS. Sounds like a good call

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