For the larger
e-waste companies in here...I need to say nothing to all ready know.
But to those who do not buy and sell e-waste should know or will know...prices are dropping like a rock. Reason being gold dropped worse than a drunk fat man at a bar.
For us large buyers who buy things by the pallet or drums full of memory...we just lost a ton of money.
I am sending out what I can and holding onto the high dollar items. I am going to try to keep my prices the same in hopes that gold comes back up at the start of this week due to people getting a good night rest. How true that will be...unknown.
For anyone who wants to KNOW why we dont jump our prices when gold sky rockets...its because of this...we can spend 10 grand or more on the avg week on scrap...when gold drops $100 our 10grand investment just turned into a 9,000 investment...and dropping.
When gold drops...our buyers drop off the face of the like crap...
P.s computerscrapper lets hold onto our beers...its going to be good ride I think...When you get your new list let me know how bad of a hit you took on it..I will do the same when my list comes in this Monday.