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Another freakin' awesome day!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    ixcelr84scraps started this thread.
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    Thumbs up Another freakin' awesome day!

    Today I worked in office from 6-10 then started getting calls from Craigslist. Picked up a pair of washers and dryers, 2 refrigerators, and stumbled upon a Lowe's going out of business....w00t! They agreed to call us when they had scraps and we did our first haul off for them (ended up being 3 loads) this afternoon. Didn't get done work until 630. 4 tickets from scrap yard (1st was from things bf picked up from normal apt runs in am and leftovers from yesterday afternoon.
    1. $79.61
    2. 99.90
    3. 81.00
    4. 286.20

    Sold set of washer and dryer for $40 cash and brought a dryer home for my new apt

    $586.71 + free working dryer.

    Fun day!

    Excited about tomorrow morning, picking up a vintage train set from a freecycler, hoping it will be worth something. Then off to Lowe's in the afternoon again, praying for another good 3 + loads, if they provide stuff again tomorrow.

    Have an appt Fri with local private school to pick up Old computer monitors, harddrives, printers, & other electronics, another lead from freecycle. I am going to pitch Recycling Fundraiser idea with them

    Here are some pics from today, including scanned receipts (I think I will start scanning so I don't have to keep rummaging through them when doing the accounting. This time I will share).

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  3. #2
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    nice one! You are on a roll I think!!

    Was one of the members here going to give you loading tips at one stage??

    I am not trying to pick at all, but I rekon this may have been 3 loads, but you made it 4 due to the way it was loaded?? and that you had said previous that you were not an accomplished loader as yet...

    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  4. #3
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    Looks like some racking that is worth more than scrap.

  5. #4
    ixcelr84scraps started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by IdahoScrapper View Post
    Looks like some racking that is worth more than scrap.
    ?? Please explain. Help a newb out

  6. #5
    ixcelr84scraps started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Torker Man View Post
    nice one! You are on a roll I think!!

    Was one of the members here going to give you loading tips at one stage??

    I am not trying to pick at all, but I rekon this may have been 3 loads, but you made it 4 due to the way it was loaded?? and that you had said previous that you were not an accomplished loader as yet...

    I haven't a clue about most of what I am doing! I was born and raised in SPhilly/SJersey...not much you can do/say to hurt my feelings(GA Peach wit a Jersey attitude) always wanted..that's why I am here!

    The Lowe's was 3 loads (+ couple appliances called to pick while going to/fro yard). My first load was from left overs from yesterday and early am pickups (no pics of the first one, bf picked/dropped, I was working in office).
    Last edited by ixcelr84scraps; 09-28-2011 at 08:26 PM.

  7. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Dont forget to offer to clear out the shelving units in the warehouse. the shelving racks sell for alot of bucks. Unless they plan to have an auction or something. Do your google thing on pallet racks and you will see what im talking about.

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  9. #7
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    Good job christine
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  11. #8
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    Wish I was down that way, sounds like you don't have much competition down there. Where were you when you lived in NJ? I am in Camden County and have been here forever. Glad to see you are doing great down there though!

  12. #9
    ixcelr84scraps started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapperNJ26 View Post
    Wish I was down that way, sounds like you don't have much competition down there. Where were you when you lived in NJ? I am in Camden County and have been here forever. Glad to see you are doing great down there though!
    There is a ton of competition here. Most of them just go around 'grabbing'...I plan and ask, I think that is why I am getting so much. Talk to owners of the shops, managers of the apts, etc. A lot of the scrappers just come and take.

    I was born in Williamstown, lived in several different towns over the years, went to school in Camden County... Glendora Elem, Glens Landing Middle, Triton HS...then switched to Edgewood Reg. HS. Familiar? I have family in Erial and Sicklerville (growing up we called it Sucklerville, LOL!)

    I see Clementon on your profile, got caught on the Log Flume one time as a teen when it broke at the park there. Fire Dept had to come bring us down over the lake, scary!

  13. #10
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    Lmao, I might have seen you before or know you. I lived in Erial for 15 years. Sturbridge Oaks, My dad built a house in Sawood, and on Bellview Ave behind the fire hall. I actually live in Blackwood but it's a Clementon post office. I live behind Shoprite on College Drive. Depends what side of sucklerville you were on lol. My dad and used to be with Erial FD and called Bingo there forever. I remember the log flume thing, I was there the day before. I worked there when I was 15-16. I'm 27 now. My ex-wife went to Edgewood lol. I went to Erial Elem., Mullen Middle School then Highland HS.

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