Awhile back I went to the Nampa TVM and felt I had been ripped off. In hindsight it was prolly an accurate or close to accurate weight now that I have been doing this for a bit.

Ever since then I have been taking everything to Pacific, but they're so picky about everything I decided to try a "new" yard. Called several yards and went with TVM in Caldwell, which is about 15 minutes away.

Btw steel must have jumped back up because Pacific is giving $200/ton whereas they were giving $175/ton about a month ago.

TVM is giving $210/ton so there I went. Plus I wanted to give it a shot as I think I may take my SS, brass, copper, etc to them. Same as Pacific on alum, a bit higher on brass. Varies on copper. Forgot to ask on SS.

This load came in at 3,560 for a pay out of $373.60. More than I was expecting since the vehicles in the past rarely got above the 2,500 lb mark. I pulled the entire drive train to strip. But I did stuff the van with odds and ends of scrap.