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I am an Evil Selfish Man I think

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    I am an Evil Selfish Man I think

    That or I am in the mindset of "I need to pay rent this week plus phone and insurance"

    So all the projects I had lined up which netted me quite a bit of money were really just projects to drive around all week and waste time.

    Every load I turned in my friend wanted half due to the "helping" of loading and such. Rarely any help on gas (ford f250 5.4) He bought a trailer and thats great but I do not see how this entitles him to half. If he were not working with me he would be at home living off his wife he cheats on anyway or his parents who own businesses. I am disgusted with myself for feeling this way and for allowing this to happen.

    I am staring down the barrel of not being able to make rent at all this weekend by Monday and am in a race now to try and make up the cash but I doubt it will happen.

    I am done with the letting a friend help me. Next week he can take his trailer and attempt to do this on his own (will not happen) but I need to worry about me and my business as a scrapper just starting out. Sad..but necessary to survive. Sorry..but I had to share my frustration with a familiar crowd or risk self implosion from frustration.

    $275 by Monday 10 pm here I come.

  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    GEt out there and start scrappin. You have the next 2 days to collect and all day monday to make runs to the yard. Find all you can during the day and break down as much as you can when the sun goes down. Good luck you should be able to do it.

  3. #3
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    He doesn't sound like much of a "friend".

    Like PTS said, get your butt out there and hustle - I think you'll make it!

  4. #4
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    Having a partner always makes for alot of grey area. Better off investing in some small equiptment which will allow you to do it on your own

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  6. #5
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    I am more or less Infuriated at the fact that I am doing this to survive..he is helping out for the money but has already stated he is supported by his lady and parents if necessary.

  7. #6
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    Go hard!

    I would sacriufice a full tank of Gas and some energy drinks and keep out there rotating the streets. Check the next county, suburb??

    I often collect appliences and computers from outside thift or good will stores at night.

    Why not even cold call some applience repairers or retailers in your area?


    People place these items right next to, or under signs that say "we can not accept appliences or electronics" so I say game on!

    Get what you can, maybe even sacrifice some lesser used household or garage items, you knew deep down you would end up junking one day anyway.

    head up, stay goal orriented, and go 1/2 day at a time.

    I was in a similar situation a few years back. My goals were simple.

    1/. I need 3 appliances and 3 computers before lunch time,

    If I didn't meet the goal, I didn't get lunch, or that extra pack of smokes...

    You can do it man, keep us posted, all my positive vibes heading your man!!!
    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

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  9. #7
    Ohio Scrapper's Avatar
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    Get out there and get scrappin' Junkernaut. It can be done, I've had to do it myself at times, you just have to look harder and think of places you hven't thought of before. I scrap to make bills too, sometimes on a pretty small time frame. As for the friend, I found out the hard way too that the best way to lose a friend is to start a business with one. That's why I'm a solo act now.

  10. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Junkernaut View Post
    That or I am in the mindset of "I need to pay rent this week plus phone and insurance"

    So all the projects I had lined up which netted me quite a bit of money were really just projects to drive around all week and waste time.

    Every load I turned in my friend wanted half due to the "helping" of loading and such. Rarely any help on gas (ford f250 5.4) He bought a trailer and thats great but I do not see how this entitles him to half. If he were not working with me he would be at home living off his wife he cheats on anyway or his parents who own businesses. I am disgusted with myself for feeling this way and for allowing this to happen.

    I am staring down the barrel of not being able to make rent at all this weekend by Monday and am in a race now to try and make up the cash but I doubt it will happen.

    I am done with the letting a friend help me. Next week he can take his trailer and attempt to do this on his own (will not happen) but I need to worry about me and my business as a scrapper just starting out. Sad..but necessary to survive. Sorry..but I had to share my frustration with a familiar crowd or risk self implosion from frustration.

    $275 by Monday 10 pm here I come.
    If you insist in airing your dirty laundry in public I'll give you my two cents.

    Your buddy was good enough to invest his earnings in a trailer to tow behind your truck to help increase profits, your not showing good faith in this partnership.

  11. #9
    Mick's Avatar
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    This is exactly why partnerships need to be formalized and terms written down.What about division of fuel and labor?
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  12. #10
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Thanked 6,807 Times in 1,954 Posts from the scrap is Gross not profit. 2. deduct all expenses from the gross. this is gross profit. 3. deduct a percentage for "your" business 10 t0 30%. 4 split the rest fairly according to effort and work. That is only sensable and is also fair

    " those who live out of the cash register are destined to eventually sell the register to live". mcw

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  14. #11
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    I am more or less Infuriated at the fact that I am doing this to survive..
    You're kidding us, right?

  15. #12
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    Just to clear some misconceptions up.

    My friends trailer was bought by his parents money not by his "hard earned dollar". It was also my suggestion to by a used trailer and use the extra cash to go towards business expenses and possibly a junk car or two. I believe in turning extra cash into more cash by re investments.

    Second. I am infuriated not that I am doing this to survive but at my friends lack of understanding towards this fact. I enjoy what I do as I die..for independence from having to work for someone else for peanuts or who is just using me to fulfill their goals.

    Got a compressor, hot water heater, and some other misc items today. going to get an early start tomorrow and as well as monday and hit up some more apartment complexes maint units and such. Staying positive is all I have btw so thank you for the comments.

    Have a blessed day all.

  16. #13
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    If you take a bud with you 50% is only OK if you can do twice the amount, but sadly if you base it on 2 guys driving around you will be finding the amount of one person , along with items one person can handle. Now if you hunt and your bud dismantles the dropped off items wile you hunt more,that might work as you will have a back log of items to constantly bring to yard, Your home area yard will look like crap wile all this fun is going on . But if your bud does his job correct you will have buckets of - Short - Tin - SS -AL - Copper - Brass / along with metals with some plastic on it that the yards take as Tin.
    Regardless - what you find you must make the most of it, allot of items you find have pearls in them, so to say , you have to see what is your true ability to get at the guts in side. things that pay from .050 to $3 per pound are what you need to make a days pay , few people will tell you what to take apart but always say to your self how come the yard does not mind taking a item that seems to have little metal well it has a motor with copper.
    Its about the law of averages one can usually find 500 to 600 pounds in suburbia , but that's not sufficient now if you take in 500 pounds of mix along with some AL some Brass Copper you will start to make OK money , Just don't give away your high value metals with the Tin mix's. I so often see that many scrappers are just into the bulk. To me why waste the resources you find
    Last edited by Copper Head; 10-01-2011 at 07:33 PM.

  17. #14
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I have found that partners are bad for business, fortunately I learned that back in 1990 and if help is needed it comes to the form of an employee.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

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  19. #15
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    I have found that partners are bad for business, fortunately I learned that back in 1990 and if help is needed it comes to the form of an employee.
    I used to get guys from the halfway house, their glad to get out for the day and work cheap.

  20. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    I have found that partners are bad for business, fortunately I learned that back in 1990 and if help is needed it comes to the form of an employee.
    probably true like i was going into a business with 2 guys who will sell cars I was in charge of scrap cars well first thing they want is for me to pay the rent not a 3 way split but like i am to pay the full rent, see they lied about the amount cause i called the land lord and he told me the rent amount. That pissed me off. I am no fool at least with scrap . Other things in life I might be a fool but oh well !!
    I did make an offer - clue me into leads and ill give you the full scrap amt. wile i do my stuff also . I felt that was very fare based of the rent lie.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 10-01-2011 at 07:44 PM.

  21. #17
    junkdude1959's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post from the scrap is Gross not profit. 2. deduct all expenses from the gross. this is gross profit. 3. deduct a percentage for "your" business 10 t0 30%. 4 split the rest fairly according to effort and work. That is only sensable and is also fair

    " those who live out of the cash register are destined to eventually sell the register to live". mcw
    How many times have I fell into this catagory...I wont say...Lol

  22. #18
    Torker Man's Avatar
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    How's it going out there Junkurnaut??

    Woukld love an update as to how you went today?


  23. #19
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Oh, I see what you're saying now Junkernaut. Sorry I misunderstood the comment. In that case I say more power to ya! Get out there, get scrappin, and get that money! You can do this!

  24. #20
    Junkernaut started this thread.
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    my load was not bad yesterday but far short of my goal. I believe I have maybe 50$ worth of stuff as of right now and am getting ready to go out again today. Got a late start.

    Rather than drive around and waste precious resources. I am trying apartment complex information centers if they are open and the dumpsters as well. Gonna try and get odd jobs as well for anyone needing a truck/trailer to haul stuff. I feel like Nicolas cage in gone in 60 seconds trying to get X amount by X time haha. Dramatic I know but it helps the motivation..

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