That or I am in the mindset of "I need to pay rent this week plus phone and insurance"
So all the projects I had lined up which netted me quite a bit of money were really just projects to drive around all week and waste time.
Every load I turned in my friend wanted half due to the "helping" of loading and such. Rarely any help on gas (ford f250 5.4) He bought a trailer and thats great but I do not see how this entitles him to half. If he were not working with me he would be at home living off his wife he cheats on anyway or his parents who own businesses. I am disgusted with myself for feeling this way and for allowing this to happen.
I am staring down the barrel of not being able to make rent at all this weekend by Monday and am in a race now to try and make up the cash but I doubt it will happen.
I am done with the letting a friend help me. Next week he can take his trailer and attempt to do this on his own (will not happen) but I need to worry about me and my business as a scrapper just starting out. Sad..but necessary to survive. Sorry..but I had to share my frustration with a familiar crowd or risk self implosion from frustration.
$275 by Monday 10 pm here I come.