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| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    KC-SF started this thread.
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    Unhappy Wtf?


    I mainly deal in e-scrap and have clients that buy the internal electrical components.

    I recently picked up a gig to scrap over 7,000 lbs. of servers, but my workspace is somewhat limited. The first round of scrapping resulted in a byproduct of over 800 lbs. of empty server cases and I need to get rid of these before I can start on the second round.

    I don’t have the time and resources to handle scrap metal, so I’ve been giving it away to anyone that wants it. This has worked out well for me in the past because it always ends up with the metal guys referring business my way.

    My regular scrap metal guy recently had a heart attack and retired, so I’ve been searching CL for someone to take his place. There’s a guy in my city that’s advertising on CL for wanting any scrap metal, and by the words in his ad, he sounds kind of hard up for stuff.

    I emailed him, told him what I had, and gave him my schedule for the next few days. He immediately replies saying that he’ll be over in the morning. Tomorrow comes, and he’s a no show. No email, no phone call or voice mail, nothing. I call him and get his voice mail. The next day rolls around and the same thing, no communication whatsoever. I finally get a phone call from him on the morning of the third day. He says that he’s leaving right now and will be here in 20 minutes. Four hours later, he’s still a no show. I call him and his wife answers to tell me that he just left a few minutes ago to pick broken washing machine 40 miles away!

    What’s wrong with this picture?

    Drive over an hour round trip to pick up one broken washing machine vs. a 15 minute drive to pick up 800 lbs. of metal and I’ll probably have another 800 lbs. ready to go again in two days (and another 800 lbs, right after that, and the cycle will go on until I finish)

    I bet he’d be over in three minutes if I was a drug dealer. It’s scary to think that these will be the people in charge of taking care of us when we get old.

  2. #2
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    like the man says "ya cant fix stupid".

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  4. #3
    Patton's Avatar
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    Wait, Wait, Wait! I just have to pick them up? If you are within a hundred miles of me I will be there.

    I agree with olddude.

  5. #4
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Good old Craigs List. Trust em' as far as you can throw em' as the ole' saying goes.
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    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  7. #5
    rca987's Avatar
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    Some scrap yards offer roll off dumpsters, if you wanted to look in to that...Also if you have space for it.
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  8. #6
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    Did they guy show up?

  9. #7
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    I don't understand people like that. Saying he will be there in 20 mins, after being a solid flake for a few days, and still not showing up.

    I have met a few cool people from CL, but most seem to be absolute bottom of the barrel scummy lying trash of society.

  10. #8
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    You get these types of people in all walks of life. I've been a "slum lord" for over 10 years now and have had to deal with so many no shows and people showing up hour’s late acting like it’s no big deal. It can be a real test of patience and makes you wonder about the human psyche sometimes.

  11. #9
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    sell it to the highest bidder on cl?
    collecting san joses scrap

  12. #10
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    I simply put it down to experience and choose never to work with the person again. My time is precious to me and makes me money so I want to utilise it not waste it.

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  14. #11
    KC-SF started this thread.
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    I got a call from him on the fourth day at 7:00pm telling me that he’s really ready to pick up everything. I told him that my business day ended hours ago and I’m only at the shop to re-schedule all the work I missed while waiting for him, and to forget about ever doing business with me. There’s something very satisfying about hanging up the phone on someone while they’re saying “but, but, but…”

    Right after hanging up on him, I called another CL person that was 25 miles away. I told him what I had and asked him when he could pick it up. He replied “Business waits for no one. I can pick it up now if want.” and he was over within the hour.

    It can’t be this easy, right?

    Half way through loading up his truck, the first guy rolls up and says to him “Hey, what are you doing with MY stuff?!” and they both start arguing. Arguing turned into pushing & shoving and then the second guy gives him a well deserved slap; a full force, right on target ***** slap that spun him around before he felt the sting. I ended up having to chase him off my property with a .357 magnum.

    I explained to the second guy what the first guy was all about while he finished loading. He left only to returned ten minutes later with a six pack, a hand shake, and a thank you because he hasn’t had this much fun since leaving the military.

    I have a feeling that there’s going to be a lot more business and boilermakers in our future

    Anyways, my workshop is now empty and will be packed to the rafters by the end of the day with more stuff to be scrapped. In the meantime, it’s Navy Fleet Week in my town. I’m going to pull up a chair, grab a beer & popcorn, and watch the Blue Angels buzz the town & practice for this weekend’s air show.

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  16. #12
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KC-SF View Post

    I got a call from him on the fourth day at 7:00pm telling me that he’s really ready to pick up everything. I told him that my business day ended hours ago and I’m only at the shop to re-schedule all the work I missed while waiting for him, and to forget about ever doing business with me. There’s something very satisfying about hanging up the phone on someone while they’re saying “but, but, but…”

    Right after hanging up on him, I called another CL person that was 25 miles away. I told him what I had and asked him when he could pick it up. He replied “Business waits for no one. I can pick it up now if want.” and he was over within the hour.

    It can’t be this easy, right?

    Half way through loading up his truck, the first guy rolls up and says to him “Hey, what are you doing with MY stuff?!” and they both start arguing. Arguing turned into pushing & shoving and then the second guy gives him a well deserved slap; a full force, right on target ***** slap that spun him around before he felt the sting. I ended up having to chase him off my property with a .357 magnum.

    I explained to the second guy what the first guy was all about while he finished loading. He left only to returned ten minutes later with a six pack, a hand shake, and a thank you because he hasn’t had this much fun since leaving the military.

    I have a feeling that there’s going to be a lot more business and boilermakers in our future

    Anyways, my workshop is now empty and will be packed to the rafters by the end of the day with more stuff to be scrapped. In the meantime, it’s Navy Fleet Week in my town. I’m going to pull up a chair, grab a beer & popcorn, and watch the Blue Angels buzz the town & practice for this weekend’s air show.
    That is some funny stuff right there for sure. If that was my father in law, brother in law, or me, it would have been baseball bats.

    I been thinking on and off about your first guy, as to why he waited forever. Only thing I could think of, was that he didn't have the proper vehicle to come and get everything you had, and instead of just being truthful about it, he just kept lying.
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  17. #13
    submarinepainter's Avatar
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    this works both ways , I got a guy I have played phone tag for a week , he only calls when I tell him I can not take a call and refuses to leave the address ??!! I just gave up ;lol

  18. #14
    takenbyvultures's Avatar
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    hahaha that's a hilarious outcome. Hopefully the first guy doesn't come back looking for trouble.

  19. #15
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Free metal from a customer is GOLD I want as many clients as i can get . he might not be in the biz long so he might not realize how important the job of free metal for the service of cleaning people of what they don't want in there life. It really is a service for both parties.

  20. #16
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    dang! what part of cali are u in btw

  21. #17
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    yeah, how come i didnt notice that??

  22. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by heeroyue2002 View Post
    dang! what part of cali are u in btw
    I'm guessing san fran by his user name. If he wasn't 3 1/2 hours away from me I'd be over there hitting him up for the metal haha.

  23. #19
    KC-SF started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by CollinsHaulin View Post
    I'm guessing san fran by his user name. If he wasn't 3 1/2 hours away from me I'd be over there hitting him up for the metal haha.
    Yep, I'm in San Francisco. I wish I was out your way. I can't remember the last time I've been bass fishing.

  24. #20
    bluemeate's Avatar
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    ****, I woulda hauled balls there if ida known. guess you already have a guy now, though, huh?

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