I wish one of you
e-scrap buyers was closer to me. I just got a request, to go about 1 hour and 15 minutes away to pick up between a half to a full truck load of computers and computer accessories.
However, I will be emailing, and then following up with a phone call with the guy, to ensure the hard drives, mother boards etc are still intact.
If he is giving me complete stuff, no charge, but if it has all already been broken down, then I am charging.
Also, for those of you who do not have a website, I would recommend getting one.
You can get a domain cheap ($5 roughly for the first year with netfirms.com with a promo code that never expires), and hosting/website with hostgator.com. Unlimited everything for $15 per month.
Craigslist, word of mouth, flyers, etc is all good, but most just go on the net to search for recycling company's,
scrap metal etc via google or whatever have you.
This is how I got this lead. The guy googled something, and my website popped up.
Don't mean to mean this into like 2 or 3 subjects, but the point is, that websites do help some. Hostgator has a program called sitebuilder, that is easy to use and understand, which is how I have built all of my websites, minus my auction company.