i woulda also let the homeowner know that he hired a ****wad
I keep an aluminum scooter handle behind my seat, never had to think about using it, hopefully i never will.
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i woulda also let the homeowner know that he hired a ****wad
I keep an aluminum scooter handle behind my seat, never had to think about using it, hopefully i never will.
i seen two guys get in a fist fight over a microwave in new market. people are crazy when desperate. And on a positive note a stainless steel sink if your hands would of been bad for him if he wanted to fight. half inch blade or a sink???? id take the sink all day long.
the aluminum bat sits on the back of the truck for that reason, i've had guys sneak up behind me when curb shopping well not hard when the exhaust is hanging off the cummins. i wouldn't hear a train.
Call the police, immediately. If you can prove it especially, it is assault all day long and he will probably lose his business license to boot, he had FAR more to lose than you during his little tirade and Im sure he knows what he did was stupid before he put the blade away. Save someone else the trouble of dealing with a short fuse. JM $.02 :) Have a great day.
You can own hand guns and ARs (no autos.) They are called restricted weapons, and the laws are VERY strict. I know a guy who has a few. And uses them for competition/range use only. Thats really all you can legally do with them. He needed to tell the law which route he was taking with the weapon when driving to a range and was not allowed to make any lengthy stops while in posession of the weapon. Even if you own a part to a hand gun, like the mechanisms inside, they are considered restricted and MUST be locked in a safe when you are not in possesion of them. This is all what my friend has told me.
Rifles and shotguns are non restricted. Can go into any sporting goods store and buy one. With the proper licenses ofcourse. Same with ammunition. No Jow Schmo can go and buy ammo or guns anytime he likes. You need to have a PAL (Possession and aquisition license) in hand and show it or else the stores just laugh at you. That being said, its alot easier to own rifles than handguns.
In Mass our laws are fairly strict.
If your job requires you to carry money you can apply for a ltc class one.
Just go for the total class a large cap I say. Then again I've never pulled out.
I practice handling and defense all the time. Make it a reflex. Have your holster and piece ready and practice, practice
I always worried about buying $$. Being a cash buyer some times you may know how much stupid $$$ we carry.
Also I have large small and hidden wallet. Also always use ur small wallet to pay. People will see you with that large one full of 10k and remember.
This Reallu more for cash buyers on the road getting cats.
If they want it give them the small. Full of ones tens etc. Looks like a lot. If your life is in danger first to move has the advantage.
First to call police has advantage too.
Later on that.
they just changed the castle laws here but that doesn't apply here. even if you have your restricted you still have to apply for a transportation approval with the local police dept. if you plan on taking your new glock to the range you have to tell them the route and times. its crazy here north of the boarder. guys running trap lines aren't even allowed to carry hand guns anymore. i leave my rifles at home where they belong. not worth getting them takin away over a small blade that wont kill you unless the guys a trained knife fighter. its cool how a topic like this brings out the different personality types. the army guys are like **** you and your knife this is my sink and others are like call the cops the guys crazy lol.
I'd say take it, u need it more than I do. People like that get what's coming in due time, no need to get cut for 5 bucks. Let that guy suffer in his own misery.
What I would suggest if you are truly interested in a less than lethal is the bean bag shot shells. These may take a couple "reminders" (I suggest ankles, back of knees, spine -small of back or between shoulder blades, groin, etc for good locations for reminders.) but provide enough stopping power and chance to convince them to leave. load 2-3 bean bag shells followed by 1-3 slugs. If the bags aren't convincing that you will put a hole in them if forced to, the slugs that follow are a sure way to convince them.
our less than lethal approach is not always so. Granted, I do believe that you have a right to defend yourself and belongings / family regardless of outcome.
Granted most people never think of it, but keep in mind respiratory conditions. You never can tell who has respiratory issues such as asthma. You would be doing them a kindness giving them lead poisoning vs letting them slowly choke to death. Having asthma, I speak from my personal experience having had class 3 mace used on me. Trust me when I tell you it was one of the least pleasant things in my life and not something I would wish on an enemy.
You also need to keep in mind there are very few out there, but there are a few that can practically gargle with class 3 mace ( strongest on market - contains a small % of tear gas). These are the type you do greater harm than good by using less than lethal means. These it will only enrage and at that point you would be forced to use lethal force as they are intending to on you. Some people (not the most brilliant) actually do use it on themselves to build tolerance. The tolerance comes from having it used on them too often. This is a tactic used by police, and many military branches to help them fight through having their own weapons turned against them as it seems to be effective, criminals tend to do so as well.
yea ,i woulda lughed at him and finished putting the sink in th truck ,.....once it goes n the truck ,your beat ......i've had the same issues with larger stuff ,appliances ,air conditioners and heaters ,.....most times the contracter don't care once they find out the homeowner said it was ok,.....they just don't want you stealing it from them ,....in legal regards ,unless the contractor specificly words keeping stuff in the contract ,then it still belongs to the property owner to do as he wishes
.....if he woulda persisted....or been respectful or polite ,i may have givin it to him ,....property owners get allinated by peaple fighting over there scrap and often won't deal with scrappers anymore if they fight over it
.....as for the utility knife ,......i'da laughed at that one ....nobody fights anymore unless you hit them first ,and if he woulda made a move ,ida beat the crap out of him and took his utility knife for scrap ,.....40 cents of auminum in a utility knife :)
I keep an aluminum bat in my cab just in case, but i've never even had to think about using it. The worst I've ever had was a guy called me to retrieve a ton of stuff from his house he was evicted from. After about 3 hours, he walks into his garage comes out with a gun case, pulls out a shotgun, approaches me gun firmly in hand. Then hands it to me, "This thing doesn't work, you can take this too."
i think you did the right thing, honestly if he did stab you it probably would not have done anything but hurt, and thats when you beam him with the sink, i myself have a nice shiny chrome baseball bat in the back of my truck, honestly almost everyone around here has a bat in the back
If you are going to carry a baseball bat, make it a dented one, than way there is a chance someone "might" see it's beat up and you are planning to use it.
In Michigan here, im not sure about other states, you have to be 21 to carry a handgun with a permit. Other than that, i can legally carry a shotgun or rifle in my vehicle and i always use to keep a 12 gauge with an 18" barrel in my old van. I also kept a 12" Ka-Bar on me. Since i use to do landscaping at the time, i was able to say i used it for that and the cops would leave it alone since you cant have any knife with a blade over 4" in most parts of Michigan. Being a bigger dude always helps as well. Doing a lot of business in Detroit, you have to be prepared for anything that may come your way. Luckily, i never really had to use them or even pull them out. Its always better to be safe than sorry
i can never keep aluminum bats from finding there way into the aluminum bin ,....got like 5 or 6 louisville sluggers stashed in strategic locations though .....i find that my pitbull seems to incourage politeness ,i'd never let him eat nobody though ,....never have to ,....i'm meaner then him when i'm mad
ironicly ,...out of all the confrontations i've had ,nobodys ever made a move and i've usually been able to talk my way out of ,even without the dog around .......i've run into some pretty pissed off peaple ,most times its usually cause a scrapper stole from them ,...i'll talk to em and offer to help find out who did it, i hate thieves ,....that helps but doesn't work all the time
the closest i've ever been to throwing blows was ironicly with another scrapper ,....was a misunderstanding and the fellow was struggling not to hit me ,but really wanted to,....we both got pretty mean with each other ....i calmed down and i got him calmed down a little ,the misundestanding was explained and we both agreed that a few bucks in scrap wasn't worth getting locked up over