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I had a utility knife pulled on me by a contractor - Page 3

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  1. #41
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    What would be cool would be to do something like in Crocodile Dundee and pulled out a huge machete saying "That's not a knife, this is a knife".

    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  3. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    Three things I don't let anyone mess with: 1st my family, 2nd my country, 3rd my money. That sink was your money. Should have stood your your ground. Sounds to me like you let that man rob you with nothing but a d-mn utility knife. I would've fought. But that's just me.
    Over $6?

    He might be willing to kill for that $6, are you?
    Everyone one of you is 2 minutes too late.

  4. #43
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WeWillPrevail View Post
    Over $6?

    He might be willing to kill for that $6, are you?
    I wouldnt be killing for $6 I would be giving him lead poisoning for threating my life. Dumb sheit bringing a knife to a gun fight.

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  6. #44
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    Over $6?

    He might be willing to kill for that $6, are you?

    If it's MY 6 dam dollars? Hell Yes!!!

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  8. #45
    Scrap Metal Mike's Avatar
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    this is also a knife
    One man's crap is another man's scrap! And in Texas, there's ALOT of crap!

  9. #46
    Pattyb's Avatar
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    Sounds like a real A-hole but I'm with you buddy it was'nt worth the fight, but I would have told him if 5 or 6 bucks is nothing to you give me that much and its yours. Now put the knife away and get your panty's out of a bunch.

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  11. #47
    murt is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yep 6$ ain't worth going to jail over, or a 5 grand hospital bill. You can either be the tough guy, or just see that it's a gray area (ownership of the sink) and do what you did- same thing i would have done.
    In all likelihood you'll prob never see the guy again, it's not like you're getting a rep for being weak/easily bullied. This ain't prison, its the big world.

  12. #48
    kcscrapper is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Could told him $6 and its his.

  13. #49
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Just call me butter fingers. " Sorry bro did not mean to drop sink on your head, bummer your knife cut your throat from your own ignorance !"
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

    I did not surrender, they took my horse and made him surrender. - Lone Watie

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  15. #50
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    It's not about the $6.00. It's not about being seen as weak. And it's not a prison thing. And he's definitely not going to just give you 5 or 6 bucks because you tell him to. Hell man, he's standing there with a blade in his hand and robbing you of what is yours. What in the **** makes you think he's going to politely put the knife away and stop robbing you and pull out his wallet and pay you?! NO. It's about protecting yourself and your property and your personal freedom. Being a man and standing up for what's right. Taking control and turning the whole situation around. It's about being a man and saying enough is enough.

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  17. #51
    bcrepurposing's Avatar
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    If the person had been civil about it and spoke to me I would have given him the sink otherwise I would have offered to sell it to him or told him to take a flying leap. It wouldn't be about the money to me but a matter of principle. I treat attitude in kind when dealing with people.

    I tend to always wear layers rather than heavy jackets. I would have removed one and wrapped my arm and told him "if your feeling froggy, leap or **** off" personally.

  18. #52
    Abshere is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejack View Post
    Three things I don't let anyone mess with: 1st my family, 2nd my country, 3rd my money. That sink was your money. Should have stood your your ground. Sounds to me like you let that man rob you with nothing but a d-mn utility knife. I would've fought. But that's just me.
    I don't think that a sink is worth fighting someone over. The guy wants to be that big of a baby over it, obviously he needs it more than me. To me it isn't worth getting injured over. Yes he only had a utility knife, but as my fingers and various other body parts can tell you, it's no fun to get sliced with one of them. I used to work in construction. Many times I have nicked myself pretty good. The $5-6 for the sink wouldn't even pay for stitches.

  19. #53
    jmerritt is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    since he lives in canada he may want to check canada's laws first. i was told in canada hand guns are against the law. but you can have a rifle go figure.
    i'm not 100% sure. so i would check your laws and see what they have to say. so you don't get yourself into trouble.

  20. #54
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    My question is how could you sleep at night ? Knowing you kill someone over a sink that is worth 5 or six dollars . If you fight him and win . What if he see your truck park somewhere . Then decide to get even by busting out the windows or burning it .

  21. #55
    Phantoms001 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    In my truck I have a handgun, my Kbar from when I was in the USMC, tire irons, the list goes on an on. I have each for different reasons.

    There are a ton of people in jail for "self defense". It doesn't matter how right you "think" you are. If you kill someone, the majority of the time you are going to jail. I don't care what state you are in. If the guy was chasing you around your truck with a knife you should shoot him. If he actually cut you, you should shoot him. Anything short of that I think there is a very large chance you are WRONG and going to jail.

    Are you willing to throw your life away for a sink?

    I personally would not have given him the sink, don't get me wrong, but there are a lot of other options. My first option against someone with a utility knife would certainly be pepper spray. I always have some in my pocket and on my keychain. I don't care how big and tuff you are, a face full of pepper spray will make you a kitten.

    Pepper spray is always my first line of defense. It is a less than lethal alternative. THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. Pepper spray is at the very bottom of the force scale, look up the laws in your area. You would be better off using pepper spray on someone than pushing them or striking them in some way.

    If you don't have a gun, I most likely wouldn't pull mine out. Just my personal thoughts. I might pepper spray you and beat you with a baseball bat but I just have a problem using the lethal force of a gun when it's really questionable what a persons real intentions are.

  22. #56
    TheKid is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    I had a utility knife pulled on me by a contractor

    I'm just a skinny 16 year old but I'm a wrestler and always have a 3 inch blade on me so he wouldn't have been walking away from that one without a scratch(;

  23. #57
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    Is it just me? Everybody talks tough on this thread. I'd have given him the sink and called the cops when he walked away with it. No way am I getting hurt, hurting someone else, or going to jail over something like this.
    Burly Smash![/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
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  24. #58
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    Nor am I letting him get away with pulling a knife on me.

  25. #59
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    I did a lot of bouncing, specially during college...

    I have had all kinds of crazy things happen, but in all the time I bounced I only had to hit one person in the face, one time, out of all the years I bounced, bartended or owned bars. This isn't because I'm super sized, or I have Jedi powers "This is not the bar you want to cause problems at". I still had to wrestle people into submission sometimes, and too often they were far more muscular than me. I attribute my success to steel toed boots, no kidding.

    So when I had a problem I thought was going to become violent, I simply quickly kicked the person in the shin, with my steel toes and down they went. It happened so fast, and the person was so shocked that their brain only registered splitting pain, but not what actually transpired. This along with a quick push in the chest not only moved them away from me, but caused them to land on their butt. It's funny, when someone is sitting on the ground, in pain, on their butt, looking up at you, their entire perspective changes.

    This isn't to say I have not enjoyed my fair share of scrapes, I have. But I have a particular dislike for knives or blades of any kind, and I carry the scars to give me reason. So if I encountered someone with an exacto knife, razor, buck or whatever I can promise you as soon as they make it clear that knife is meant to scare me, they are going to get a steel toe to the shin, with the intent of shattering their bone. I don't play around with people wielding knives.

    At the heart of science is an essential balance between two seemingly contradictory attitudes--an openness to new ideas, no matter how bizarre or counterintuitive they may be, and the most ruthless skeptical scrutiny of all ideas, old and new. This is how deep truths are winnowed from deep nonsense. -- Carl Sagan

  26. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantoms001 View Post
    In my truck I have a handgun, my Kbar from when I was in the USMC, tire irons, the list goes on an on. I have each for different reasons.

    There are a ton of people in jail for "self defense". It doesn't matter how right you "think" you are. If you kill someone, the majority of the time you are going to jail. I don't care what state you are in. If the guy was chasing you around your truck with a knife you should shoot him. If he actually cut you, you should shoot him. Anything short of that I think there is a very large chance you are WRONG and going to jail.

    Are you willing to throw your life away for a sink?

    I personally would not have given him the sink, don't get me wrong, but there are a lot of other options. My first option against someone with a utility knife would certainly be pepper spray. I always have some in my pocket and on my keychain. I don't care how big and tuff you are, a face full of pepper spray will make you a kitten.

    Pepper spray is always my first line of defense. It is a less than lethal alternative. THE LAW IS ON YOUR SIDE. Pepper spray is at the very bottom of the force scale, look up the laws in your area. You would be better off using pepper spray on someone than pushing them or striking them in some way.

    If you don't have a gun, I most likely wouldn't pull mine out. Just my personal thoughts. I might pepper spray you and beat you with a baseball bat but I just have a problem using the lethal force of a gun when it's really questionable what a persons real intentions are.
    You can pepper spray someone but after, you do you can't beat the $h!t out of them.

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