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I had a utility knife pulled on me by a contractor

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  1. #1
    jackshmuc started this thread.
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    Angry I had a utility knife pulled on me by a contractor

    A home owner called me to pick up his furnace fridge stove and toaster. while there he had contractors renovating the kitchen. the home owner helped me load up my truck with the appliances and offered me a sink fixture attached. I said ok thanks man ok bye, he went in the house as I was strapping the furnace on my truck and the contractor came out fuming mad, supper pissed because he saw the sink in my truck. he pulled out his utility knife and was standing dangerously close to my truck i thought he was going to scratch it. he wanted the sink. (that ****) for the $5.00-6.00 you would get for the stainless sink he had to go and pull a knife? any way I had no problem giving it to him. I did throw it over the fence into the neighbors yard i was not in the mood at the moment to make it easy for him.

  2. #2
    High Voltage Processing's Avatar
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    I would have told him to stuff it. The homeowner gave it to you and you didn't steal it. Then again, I don't like bullies.
    Jim Dwyer
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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Been me, I'd have called the law out there and pressed charges on the contractor right there, I don't take anything from anybody if I'm in the right. Either that or there would have been a .38 on the end of his nose; just depends on the mood I was in. There's a very old saying, you don't bring a knife to a gunfight,,,LOL
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    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackshmuc View Post
    A home owner called me to pick up his furnace fridge stove and toaster. while there he had contractors renovating the kitchen. the home owner helped me load up my truck with the appliances and offered me a sink fixture attached. I said ok thanks man ok bye, he went in the house as I was strapping the furnace on my truck and the contractor came out fuming mad, supper pissed because he saw the sink in my truck. he pulled out his utility knife and was standing dangerously close to my truck i thought he was going to scratch it. he wanted the sink. (that ****) for the $5.00-6.00 you would get for the stainless sink he had to go and pull a knife? any way I had no problem giving it to him. I did throw it over the fence into the neighbors yard i was not in the mood at the moment to make it easy for him.
    I would have told him that he would have 10 seconds to back off or the cops would be called.
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  7. #5
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    sooooo , where was your trusty hatchet?

  8. #6
    jackshmuc started this thread.
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    I was standing on the bed of the truck and the hatchet was in the cab of the truck with my other tools.
    to be honest i really did not care about the sink its not like i drove there just for that. i did not even know about it till i got there

  9. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    sounds to me like the guy had plans for that sink, and not the scrap yard. By the way Im buying a hatchet tomarrow when I go to town

  10. #8
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    He would of died of lead poisoning if it was me.

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  12. #9
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    The contractor would have been having a Stanley surgically removed from his colon!
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  14. #10
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Three things I don't let anyone mess with: 1st my family, 2nd my country, 3rd my money. That sink was your money. Should have stood your your ground. Sounds to me like you let that man rob you with nothing but a d-mn utility knife. I would've fought. But that's just me.

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  16. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    Three things I don't let anyone mess with: 1st my family, 2nd my country, 3rd my money. That sink was your money. Should have stood your your ground. Sounds to me like you let that man rob you with nothing but a d-mn utility knife. I would've fought. But that's just me.
    Over $6?

    He might be willing to kill for that $6, are you?
    Everyone one of you is 2 minutes too late.

  17. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by WeWillPrevail View Post
    Over $6?

    He might be willing to kill for that $6, are you?
    I wouldnt be killing for $6 I would be giving him lead poisoning for threating my life. Dumb sheit bringing a knife to a gun fight.

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  19. #13
    Abshere is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejack View Post
    Three things I don't let anyone mess with: 1st my family, 2nd my country, 3rd my money. That sink was your money. Should have stood your your ground. Sounds to me like you let that man rob you with nothing but a d-mn utility knife. I would've fought. But that's just me.
    I don't think that a sink is worth fighting someone over. The guy wants to be that big of a baby over it, obviously he needs it more than me. To me it isn't worth getting injured over. Yes he only had a utility knife, but as my fingers and various other body parts can tell you, it's no fun to get sliced with one of them. I used to work in construction. Many times I have nicked myself pretty good. The $5-6 for the sink wouldn't even pay for stitches.

  20. #14
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    I love colorado for thier open carry law. As scrappernj put it he would have died of lead poisining of the 45 caliber variety.

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  22. #15
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    thats great... ive had a lot of guns in my face, but never a utility knife. i would have laughed at him. and finished strapping the sink down.

    i respect your position, as one sink will not break your bank, but some people just dont know how to live right. These mothertruckers!
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    oldtruck is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by Filthy View Post
    thats great... ive had a lot of guns in my face, but never a utility knife. i would have laughed at him. and finished strapping the sink down.

    i respect your position, as one sink will not break your bank, but some people just dont know how to live right. These mothertruckers!
    yea ,i woulda lughed at him and finished putting the sink in th truck ,.....once it goes n the truck ,your beat ......i've had the same issues with larger stuff ,appliances ,air conditioners and heaters ,.....most times the contracter don't care once they find out the homeowner said it was ok,.....they just don't want you stealing it from them , legal regards ,unless the contractor specificly words keeping stuff in the contract ,then it still belongs to the property owner to do as he wishes
    .....if he woulda persisted....or been respectful or polite ,i may have givin it to him , owners get allinated by peaple fighting over there scrap and often won't deal with scrappers anymore if they fight over it for the utility knife ,......i'da laughed at that one ....nobody fights anymore unless you hit them first ,and if he woulda made a move ,ida beat the crap out of him and took his utility knife for scrap ,.....40 cents of auminum in a utility knife

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  26. #17
    CMHN's Avatar
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    Interesting, I'm not sure I would have been so understanding. If the property owner gave you the sink, then it is yours, not the contractors. Him pulling a knife on you is considered assault and he can go to jail over it. I know it was only a scrap sink, but stealing is stealing and he wouldn't have thought twice about calling the cops on you if you just came up and took it.

    In my opinion, you left him go way to easy, but that is just me.
    CMHN Recycling

  27. #18
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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  29. #19
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    I would have had kicked his ass...

    or sold it to him...

    and then kicked his ass...
    Last edited by hobo finds; 10-10-2011 at 05:13 PM.

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  31. #20
    newattitude's Avatar
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    It sounds like the homeowner didn't know the contractor was going to keep the sink as he renovated but it was still wrong to pull a weapon over a misunderstanding and I'd have made sure the homeowner knew what just happened also as i wouldnt have wanted that guy back in my house after that!

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