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  1. #1
    Torker Man started this thread.
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    Cool last nights pick up, a WIN and a LOSS... I got out scrapped! LOL

    So I work nights right now... on my way home (About 2am) I always look out for scrap, appliances, kerb side rubbish piles etc...

    This past few weeks all I see is TV's, wall to wall f'en TV's! I don't get them as i have limited space for the 'left overs'
    ...anyway, last night I stopped at a new pile, someone was re-modeling their home, picked up the light fittings, and some builders wire in the below pic That was o.k

    Then 3 doors up I see 3 Microwaves out on the kerb, Sweet!! I cruise over and load em in the trunk. I thought it was a bit odd that one house would throw out 3 microwaves all at the same time??? It wasn't untill I went to break them down this morning when I noticed they seemed very light as I lifted them out of the trunk...

    YEP!!!! I had been out scraped LOL!! They have been stripped of all valuables, and then screwed back together...not a screw was missed.. Oh Well!

    A Win and a Loss....

    wires etc...


    "roaming the streets, looking for treats"

  2. #2
    ilovejunk's Avatar
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    ya win some ya lose some

    why put the gutted microwaves back though? would be my question they still contain metal right? why would they gut them then not just take the leftovers in w/ general metal. weird?

    i mean i can kinda understand the guys that break the copper outta tv's and leave the guts behind (not that i agree with the practice but i see why they do it), but why do that with an item that still contains metal atfer the copper goodies have been pulled?

    i guess a gutted microwave is not as good as a complete one but i don't think i would consider it a total loss as the remaining metal is still worth a little pocket change and i know for me at least, every little bit helps

  3. #3
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Maybe the yard by the OP doesn't accept microwaves like the main one I use doesn't so I gut them and take the shells to the other yard that will take them.

  4. #4
    Torker Man started this thread.
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    it was an apartment in a pretty built up area,so I tink they just get the copper, dump the rest.

    Weight vs Value I think

    They are now on my general steel pile...

  5. #5
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    how mental is the TV problem at the moment, starting to see that the "person" who leaves them smashed open on the sidewalk is now just smashing a hole in the top with hammer/boot and rips out the yoke

    have you been down to brighton yet, its going off down there people throwing out all kinds of goodies

  6. #6
    Torker Man started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dugong View Post
    how mental is the TV problem at the moment, starting to see that the "person" who leaves them smashed open on the sidewalk is now just smashing a hole in the top with hammer/boot and rips out the yoke

    have you been down to brighton yet, its going off down there people throwing out all kinds of goodies

    Just got to empty the trailer this Sat, then off we go!

    Just on the TV thing, I drove the same area tonight (box Hill through to Ringwood) I saw 26 TV's!!! thats in 25min drive, and 2 were the MASSIVE rear projection jobs, like 135kg each...

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