Originally Posted by
i wasnt kidding about the concept, but i didnt bother to explain that he would possibly buy it for slightly less than the scrap value in order to have his profit margin match his income taxes. nothing is free
Well you know also if some one is not careful they could also buy it below market value & have a loss , I believe company's write off losses
All this sounds like a bunch of bull as keeping people busy , working , making money is the American way
all forms of income are tarnished be individuals who want to steel from a viable industry ,
hence - inside traders, emron , Get Rich scams - I am just assuming this proposed bill is to control individuals who steal copper from people. I heard people have taken AC's from peoples homes or raided rail yards . Or is it scrappers are taking money from the state who want to be the final collector to have white appliances AC's for there own gain .
What i am sure of is this, scrappers put there hard earned work IN & put that hard earned $$ back into the economy some times as fast as they get it. I took my family out for dinner last night the restaurant owner did not ask me how i made my money but he sure was glad to see 6 people eating at his restaurant.
A little short went a long way