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Probably the single hardest thing was the fill plugs. They seal them in or something. Finally had a bright idea to put a weed torch on them and was able to wrench it out. Or an impact, which I don't have, would probably work.
I have seen them seal them in with a darkbrown gasket goo resin like stuff, turns solid over time.
I have found in a lot of cases (sic) that drilling a 5mm hole down beside the plug, encroaching in thru both of the threads, loosens them up enough to unwind them out.
With stuck studs, I put two nuts onto the thread, flanges together & tighten them up against each other, then give the stud a bash with a hammer directly on its end, then undo the stud using the bottom nut.
The bashing drives the stud in again, normally its sorta welded itself against the side of the thread closest to you & bashing it breaks that weld.
Bashing the stud also mushrooms the end of the stud so the nut won't undo as easily.
If that fails, putting a spanner on each nut & tightening them up against each other, then undo it at the same time.
If that fails, I bash around the outside of the nuts so it goes sideways, that opens the hole up a little.
If that fails, I try & bash the stud sideways & over, so its bent at 90deg, then slip a metal tube over the stud & unwind it sideways,that gives you leverage on the thread.
Next is drilling a 1/8th drill hole down beside the thread, thats messy, it can easily break the drill bit, they cost $$ too.
Thats pretty much the last thing I do.
The last thing? Cold chisel the metal around the stud off, or just cold chisel the rest of the stud sideways out of the casting.