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Guy surprised my mom and I driving around yesterday

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    newattitude started this thread.
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    Smile Guy surprised my mom and I driving around yesterday

    So mom and I were driving around and down one dead end street on the outskirts of town I stopped to pick up a treadmill. As I was loading it a guy come running down the drive and said I got some more stuff for ya. Huh? I told him he must know my truck? turns out, his brother lives a few houses down and told him I usually come around about 6:00, 6:30 every Sunday- I must have picked stuff up from him before (the brother). Now, this street, the houses sit kinda far back (out in the country) and it looks like nobody is ever home and I rarely see anyone out but they must notice me! He says he put his stuff out early for me and was watching for me to come around, told me to back in the drive. Alrighty! Backed up and he gave me a dehumidifier, an air tank, an old gas furnace and some old style cast iron yard tools!!! Score!! Now, how nice was that? He says they don't get much traffic on that street so my cruising it every Sunday got me noticed. He said if he has any more stuff he'd save it for me. I just thought that was the coolest darned thing and drove away kinda in shock, lol. That also tells me i hav e the monopoly on that area of town. I think it was his brother I picked up a shoe box of copper from last week that netted me $60.00!! Redid the pipes in his house and that sucker was heavy, it had about 10 lbs of brass I cut off the pipes and got paid for that on top of the $60 box of copper. People can be so nice sometimes when you least expect it!

    Last edited by newattitude; 10-31-2011 at 08:15 PM. Reason: oops, too tired to notice I used the wrong smiley

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    great score, i had a lady cleaning out her house one night, i asked her if she minded me taking the metal from her trash, she said i could have anything i wanted, then asked me to come in the garage and get some more stuff.
    then she asked for my phone number, as they may have more things to get rid of when they moved into yheir new place. the next weekend her husband called and said he had some handrails at the new house, i get over there and there was 50 lbs of ali handrails. gotta love it when people think about ya before they throw something out.

  4. #3
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    So mom and I were driving around and down one dead end street on the outskirts of town I stop.

    People can be so nice sometimes when you least expect it!
    Please take a second look at this! Then take one more take on it!

    Ladies please, I think it's great you are scrapping and doing your own thing, but please keep in mind all the acts of wrong that have been played out over time!

    Edited to say ladies please play it safe!
    Last edited by injunjoe; 10-31-2011 at 04:48 PM.
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  6. #4
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    Edited to say ladies please play it safe!
    New, keep your hatchet handy or at least some tear gas,
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    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

  7. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    So mom and I were driving around and down one dead end street on the outskirts of town I stopped to pick up a treadmill. As I was loading it a guy come running down the drive and said I got some more stuff for ya. Huh? I told him he must know my truck? turns out, his brother lives a few houses down and told him I usually come around about 6:00, 6:30 every Sunday- I must have picked stuff up from him before (the brother). Now, this street, the houses sit kinda far back (out in the country) and it looks like nobody is ever home and I rarely see anyone out but they must notice me! He says he put his stuff out early for me and was watching for me to come around, told me to back in the drive. Alrighty! Backed up and he gave me a dehumidifier, an air tank, an old gas furnace and some old style cast iron yard tools!!! Score!! Now, how nice was that? He says they don't get much traffic on that street so my cruising it every Sunday got me noticed. He said if he has any more stuff he'd save it for me. I just thought that was the coolest darned thing and drove away kinda in shock, lol. That also tells me i hav e the monopoly on that area of town. I think it was his brother I picked up a shoe box of copper from last week that netted me $60.00!! Redid the pipes in his house and that sucker was heavy, it had about 10 lbs of brass I cut off the pipes and got paid for that on top of the $60 box of copper. People can be so nice sometimes when you least expect it!
    What a great score, congratulations.

  8. #6
    forwardlookguy's Avatar
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    Now that only shows that you are polite and mindful when you scrap. Having people come up to you and say "Hey I've noticed you around, want this?" is proof you are doing everything right. If you left a mess and tore stuff up on the curb you'd get the opposite reaction. This should serve as a lesson to everyone. Be clean and kind and you will get more business down the road! Congrats on the new contact!

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Please take a second look at this! Then take one more take on it!

    Ladies please, I think it's great you are scrapping and doing your own thing, but please keep in mind all the acts of wrong that have been played out over time!

    Edited to say ladies please play it safe!
    Thanks Joe, for your concern. I'm sure all the ladies here have their "protection" with them. Mine is a pit bull, pepper spray and a hatchet. I thought I was gonna have trouble today when two guys in a truck and I all pulled up on a furniture score at the same time. I got the owner's permission to take the stuff. Turns out, all they wanted was one of the three pieces - the modern entertainment center that I wasn't interested in . For $5.00 they dropped one of the dressers on my porch which was pretty nearby and they helped me load the other piece in my rig.
    Last edited by Scrapette; 10-31-2011 at 07:08 PM.

  11. #8
    newattitude started this thread.
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    I don't have pepper spray, I never thought about getting any of that before, I guess I'm too trusting. I do have a huge screw driver I carry on the seat along with my nippers and a huge pipe wrench though. Thanks Joe, I appreciate the concern

  12. #9
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    my local big five carries pepper spray for $3 they even have a pink one

  13. #10
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    Kat and I have had the same experience. Once people get used to you and realize you're doing your best to get ahead they can be very generous. But then, some aren't.

    Being careful is always a good idea. But being too paranoid can shut down real opportunities. Only you can decide where the line is.

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  17. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by heeroyue2002 View Post
    my local big five carries pepper spray for $3 they even have a pink one
    I don't know it's the same pink one that they sell at KMART, but I had to use that one once and it wasn't very strong. A drunk was trying to hurt my dogs. I pepper sprayed him with that one and hit his shirt instead, he coughed a little but it wasn't strong enough to get results if you don't hit the target zone. I had to use my back up protector at the time - a golf club- to run him off. I have a different pepper spray now, but I really want to get bear spray when I can afford it.

  18. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrapette View Post
    I don't know it's the same pink one that they sell at KMART, but I had to use that one once and it wasn't very strong. A drunk was trying to hurt my dogs. I pepper sprayed him with that one and hit his shirt instead, he coughed a little but it wasn't strong enough to get results if you don't hit the target zone. I had to use my back up protector at the time - a golf club- to run him off. I have a different pepper spray now, but I really want to get bear spray when I can afford it.
    I am glad you were able to run him off and not get hurt. You have to be a pretty sick person to try and hurt some poor dogs!

    Here is a hello from my Rose.

  19. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I am glad you were able to run him off and not get hurt. You have to be a pretty sick person to try and hurt some poor dogs!

    Here is a hello from my Rose.

    Thank you for your kind comments. Your Rose is precious. Yeh, he was a very sick man - he was also my brother!

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    THANKYOU CARDS ARE IN ORDER hand write how it helps your family when you recycle metal in the card. and those people and thier neighbors will be your customers for life. and remember to include your contact info at the bottom and business cards if you have them. I call this "goodwill marketing" as that is the essence of what makes goodwill sucessful. people give them stuff because they market themselves as "changing lives"

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    Kindness and professionalism goes a long way!
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