At auction this past Saturday I purchased 7 used gas fireplaces for a total of $35. Since they were used and had been sitting outside for 2-3 months I was not really interested in trying to resell these. Scrap value was all I was interested in and since the yard is less then 5 min away it would be easy flip.

When I got there this morning there were 7 or 8 pallets of misc fireplace stuff that didn't end up selling so I asked what they would take and we settled on $30 for ALL the pallets and the metal desk.

Ended up being at least 30 chimney caps of all sizes and mostly stainless to sell, bunch more scrap and a ton of misc that should have some resale value. I only had a few hours to grab all this stuff so took the easy stuff off the fireplaces and sorted thru all the other stuff and ran it to the yard...just over a ton of metal. Came back and the staff had picked up all the boxes and told me to just leave the pallets so I just had to load the keepers and I was gone.