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  1. #1
    tackleberry started this thread.
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    A saturday morning trip to the yard has become my favourite way to start the weekend.

    Because of my work schedule often saturday mornings are the only time I get to load up my truck and head to the yard and I got to say having that extra bit of cash hit your wallet at the start of the weekend is pretty great.

    Went to two yards today. First stop was for all my shred, prices were down a bit. Got $35 for my 400lbs. Now I like this yard a lot, easy access, friendly staff and the best price for shred that I've found in my area. However for nonferrous their prices are a little weak.

    Decided that I would cash in my small stockpile of brass and copper so I called around yesterday to get prices, lucky for me another yard that is quite close by gave me the best numbers. I was there about 15 min after they opened and they were rather busy, controlled chaos, which is actually an environment I like being in. I knew I had #1 and #2 copper mixed together but as this was my first time bringing in copper I didn't know exactly how to grade it myself. The guy at the scale was helpful in pointing out to me which was which. #1 was 3.10/lb, #2 was 2.90/lb. In my box I definetly had more #2 than #1 but the guy at the scale said he would split the difference and give me $3.00/lb. From what Ive read in other threads this doesn't seem to be normal operationg procedure for most yards.
    This is what I ended up bringing in...

    Copper 19lb @ 3.00/lb
    Brass 18lb @ 1.70/lb
    Copper breakage 61lb @ 0.25/lb (three sump pumps)

    Walked out with a little over $100 bucks and very happy with how I was treated. This yard will be getting all of my nonferrous from now on.

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  3. #2
    newattitude's Avatar
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    *Claps* for tackleberry! Isn't it great when the yard guys are so helpful? the main one I use helped me tremendously with how to sort stuff. And yes, its a nice start to a weekend! WTG!

  4. #3
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    I buy junk almost anyday of the week lol.. I have people selling me scrap right up until 9-10pm.. sometimes even as late as 12 and a couple times at 1:30am and 2:30am.When I buy non ferrour sometimes I even help the new people clean it so they know what to do next time.. maybe we are too nice?

  5. #4
    tackleberry started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by myekem View Post
    I buy junk almost anyday of the week lol.. I have people selling me scrap right up until 9-10pm.. sometimes even as late as 12 and a couple times at 1:30am and 2:30am.When I buy non ferrour sometimes I even help the new people clean it so they know what to do next time.. maybe we are too nice?
    Being nice is good for buisness.

    Where abouts are you in Canada myekem? I'm in Toronto.

  6. #5
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    I'm in NS .. I was in toronto not too long ago on a trip.. I've never seen so much scrap being trucked around lol.

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