So this weekend it seemed most everything I found was either like new and good enough to keep or sellable if I don't want to keep. One of the items was a shop vac, big one - Craftsman 5.5 HP & 170 mph blowing port. I had only taken the top part for the motor and told my mom if it worked I was going back for the bottom. Now, I figure folks aren't going to toss something unless its broke but you never know. Started having visions of ''snow blowing'' the driveway this winter with THIS workhorse
lol. Plugged it in at my dads and this thing was like an airplane taking off! My mom opened the back door and yelled, ''What the heck was THAT????'' Mind you, the garage I work in is detached and she was in the front of the house so you know this thing was loud!!
. Asked my dad, ''did the lights just flicker?'' when I turned it on he said no, it was the garage door opener light went off. told him ok, going back for the bottom! Brought it home and was cleaning the garage out today in preparation for winter and hubby was out there too. Plugged it in and told him ''Lets see what this bad boy does.'' Started sweeping with it and had my back turned to it and all of a sudden the garage lights started flickering and the sweeper was losing power than accelerating again and turned around and not sure
what was coming out exactly because the tank was clean but powder or dust was shooting out the sides and blow hole like crazy! Looked exactly like a gallon of dust shooting out the blower hole at 170 mph!!! Unplugged it and scrapped the motor. Then spent half an hour washing table/chairs/tool boxes and everything else down of dust.
So my keepers ended up being 6 outdoor patio chairs with brand new cushions that still had the tags on them (Can't believe someone tossed those!) and the chairs have zero rust on them, a sweeper with 3 new bags taped to the handle, a radio combo for the work garage, 2 adjustable reclining lawn chairs (the kind you can lay out on), a hobby horse for my niece (didn't know they still made those and its big enough to hold me!! lol), a treadmill with a short that the guy told me about but I found and replaced the bad wire so my dad has a like new working treadmill now, (2) metal shelf units for the garage, a ''Cool Stool'' with cooler bag attached (has a small ciggy burn on the seat but so what!!), and a 1000/1500 utility heater that kicks out serious heat!!! (not sure why they tossed that either) and 4 Official soapbox derby wheels (no axles). Cripes, may as well go home with nothing much left to dismantle
. Ended up with $38.00 of metal/aluminum scrap from the leftovers. Exactly what I spent at the gas station before I started out, kinda gave me a ''Hmmmm...'' kinda feeling lol.