So this guy calls me on one of my free recycle computers adds I put on Craigslist. I get to his house and it turns out he use to own a computer shop. So for free I get a bunch of brand new still in box mice, keyboards, fans, video cards, sounds cards, and the like. As luck would have it he fills my car with 5 towers , 2 UPS, 2 laser printers, and other odds and ends. Sitting on the shelf I notice some CPU's. So I ask him if he wants me to take them too. He says oh no now that im retired im going to pull off all those gold pins and sell them. I said well in that case ill buy them from you by the pound. So he goes into the kitchen and pulls out a scale for me to weigh the stuff and this is what I got for $350 bucks.
2.7oz of black fiber chips = $4.90
14.8oz pentium double gold caps = $90.65
5.8oz cyrix gold caps = $19.94
3.3oz amd 586 gold caps = $11.34
9.1oz amd 486 chips = $71.66
3.9oz k6 aluminum tops = $7.31
2oz foriegn gold tops = $11.62
2.1oz i387 gold tops (assuming that these are paid same rateof 386/486 since they are coprocessor of the 386 boards) = $16.53
32.2oz pentium ceramic = $80.50
9oz intel 386 = $70.87
44.7oz intel 486 = $352.01
3.8oz cryix ceramic = $9.50
8oz of ram = $7.25
Grand Total using since they the only ones I can find on the web that actualy break down there cpu pricing.
Not bad for what started out to be just picking up a few computers and parts from a free CL ad. I havnt even figured in the free stuff I got from him yet but this has to be my best score yet. But now I have $350 bucks less for the auction this weekend. Now i have to get the rest of my stash together and get all my cpus sold to one of the buyers here.