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Injured Scrapper? - Page 3

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #41
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Well, dag nabbit! I never had no major injuries (other than the regular minor cuts and scrapes on my hands and arms) till just today. I'll be doggone ifn I didn't go a drop fork from a forklift on my foot today. It fell on the ground but bounced back and landed right across the top of my 'ol foot. And that sucker hurts! I wonder if it was cause I started reading this thread thinking how lucky I was? Dag nabbit!!!


  2. #42
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    1983 i started work as a wall cover hanger from there i developed skills as follows painting of all aspects . plastering , tile setting I can go on and on since as the chance to do all types of construction came my way, so i have done it. REALLY !! so banging out 100 gallons of paint 1 day (sprayer) or 50 gal non sprayer or sanding walls to a point you can't see . Carrying cement sheet rock 5 gal tubs compound up ladders . Or breathing in nasty primer smells.
    I'll say that
    Scraping is dangerous work and i have cut my self and wrenched a mussel or two but for me i see it as a continuation of life with toxic items , The body deals with it but the chemicals will win in the end . Last year for the winter all i had was the taste of bitter metal on my taste buds (I was told thats Freon) I might still have that flavor just i got used to it
    Well try one day priming a room with a paint with Tyuol in it or high ammonia primers & you tell me . Get some nice dark blue or roof tar on your hands . Lets not forget getting gorilla glue on your hands so your hands are black for a week
    As always i need to be more careful I always use gloves . mask some times eye protection i better start!!
    Any way what is scraping certainty it can go to a point of life threating based on the shear weight of items handled. So i feel scraping can be a very vague term.
    Last edited by Copper Head; 12-03-2011 at 04:53 PM.

  3. #43
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eesakiwi View Post
    'Daisy dukes'? I guess his names Duke.

    'Dukes daisy'...... yah don't wanna knowwww.......
    Eesakiwi, there was an American TV sitcom in the 1970's called "The Dukes of Hazard" about a southern family called the Dukes. An attractive young female character named Daisy Duke often wore very revealing bluejean cutoff shorts. Since that time, ultrashort shorts (usually cutoffs) have been referred to as "Daisy Dukes".
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

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  5. #44
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Wash your eyes out with this to help with that previous pic a while back.
    Mature Daisy from original series.

    And the most recent Daisy.
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  7. #45
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Wash your eyes out with this to help with that previous pic a while back.
    Mature Daisy from original series.

    And the most recent Daisy.
    Oh, I forgot about the new Dukes of Hazard, didn't see it. Jessica Simpson, isn't it?

    The guy in the daisy dukes drunk would you have to be?

    Was that really submarinepainter's backside or does he just happen to have a picture of some guy's butt at the ready? Lol.

  8. #46
    ScrapperNJ26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Not scrap related but a good time none the less...over 20 years ago framing 2nd floor walls on a house I slammed a 3'' nail all the way into one of my knees with a nail gun. Doc tried all his fancy tools to try and pull it out, finally they called down to maintenance for some vise grips.
    My dad did that with a nail gun while roofing. We were getting off the the roof and he stood up and it went off. Luckily it didn't hit any bones.
    Another quick one was we were building a deck and one of the the guys was using a nail gun with 3" nails and nailed his hand to the deck. Between his pointer finger and thumb. He some how pulled it out and thought nobody saw it.

  9. #47
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    I think we lost track of the dangers of scraping , Unless you want to see how the wife or girlfriend feel about the pics towards the end of this post . For me that would be danger as she would say so this is whats going on here with you on the computer.

  10. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copper Head View Post
    I think we lost track of the dangers of scraping , Unless you want to see how the wife or girlfriend feel about the pics towards the end of this post . For me that would be danger as she would say so this is whats going on here with you on the computer.
    These are pretty mild photos, I'm sure some of the members have things on their computers that would be more dangerous to their health and domestic bliss. Lol.

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  12. #49
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    A large first aid kit is just a must, my partner got a non-tetanus blood infection from a stainless steel cut that nearly killed him, 2 weeks in the hospital. I wear jeans and long sleeve shirts every time ( and I hate the heat ) for safety. Speaking of heat, my doc informed me that the bodies ability to handle heat declines with age and exposure to heat. As you age it gets harder to fight the heat and it is easier to slip past heat exhaustion into heat stroke. That explained a lot of negative symptoms for me, another reason I got off the route and into a my own yard. Be safe start to finish..most injuries happen at the end of the day.

  13. #50
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Wash your eyes out with this to help with that previous pic a while back.
    Mature Daisy from original series.

    And the most recent Daisy.
    Aww much better, much better! I can see again. Now if this dang swollen foot'll jus quit hurtin.

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  15. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Area67 View Post
    A large first aid kit is just a must, my partner got a non-tetanus blood infection from a stainless steel cut that nearly killed him, 2 weeks in the hospital. I wear jeans and long sleeve shirts every time ( and I hate the heat ) for safety. Speaking of heat, my doc informed me that the bodies ability to handle heat declines with age and exposure to heat. As you age it gets harder to fight the heat and it is easier to slip past heat exhaustion into heat stroke. That explained a lot of negative symptoms for me, another reason I got off the route and into a my own yard. Be safe start to finish..most injuries happen at the end of the day.
    Good points - the other thing that happens with age is that you don't feel yourself slipping into heat exhaustion or heat stroke as easily as your ability to process sensation also decreases. Go it's good to be on the lookout for early warning signs.

  16. #52
    CMHN's Avatar
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    The worst thing that happened to me was getting tied up in a hornets nest while pulling scrap from a hedge row at a farm. Those buggers sting hard, I had to have my partner drive me to the hospital because I got very dizzy and my heart started to beat fast. I had about 50 or so stings on me. Didn't know they were there until I flipped over a tractor hood and bam, just like getting punched in the face times 50. LOL
    CMHN Recycling

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  18. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by CMHN View Post
    The worst thing that happened to me was getting tied up in a hornets nest while pulling scrap from a hedge row at a farm. Those buggers sting hard, I had to have my partner drive me to the hospital because I got very dizzy and my heart started to beat fast. I had about 50 or so stings on me. Didn't know they were there until I flipped over a tractor hood and bam, just like getting punched in the face times 50. LOL
    Thats a good point those bastards can kill you if you get stung enough even if your not allergic too them. We have a can of raid in the truck for when we run into them but alway expect them in the summer time. they like warm, dry places use caution in any situation where there might be bees

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