1983 i started work as a wall cover hanger from there i developed skills as follows painting of all aspects . plastering , tile setting I can go on and on since as the chance to do all types of construction came my way, so i have done it. REALLY !! so banging out 100 gallons of paint 1 day (sprayer) or 50 gal non sprayer or sanding walls to a point you can't see . Carrying cement sheet rock 5 gal tubs compound up ladders . Or breathing in nasty primer smells.
I'll say that
Scraping is dangerous work and i have cut my self and wrenched a mussel or two but for me i see it as a continuation of life with toxic items , The body deals with it but the chemicals will win in the end . Last year for the winter all i had was the taste of bitter metal on my taste buds (I was told thats
Freon) I might still have that flavor just i got used to it
Well try one day priming a room with a paint with Tyuol in it or high ammonia primers & you tell me . Get some nice dark blue or roof tar on your hands . Lets not forget getting gorilla glue on your hands so your hands are black for a week
As always i need to be more careful I always use gloves . mask some times eye protection i better start!!
Any way what is scraping certainty it can go to a point of life threating based on the shear weight of items handled. So i feel scraping can be a very vague term.