Well, not literally. Metaphorically, if you will.
For awhile I had a non-stop flow of scrap...from my regular suppliers, Internet sources, and my local waste drop off site. A couple weeks ago I spent 3 days cleaning my garage...breaking down the piled up electronics, re-sorting things, and just general cleaning. Since then, my supply has almost literally dried up. I post ads on CL and Freecycle, and all I get are responses from people who aren't worth my time driving to, or when I do call them they inform me that the items have been disposed of, or I leave messages and never hear back.
I know many will say "just go look." I don't live in an area where just anything is thrown on the curb, and my time I had reserved for scrapping is being wasted...as I have nothing to scrap. As this is more of a hobby/extra money for bills, I'm beginning to feel I am not devoting enough time...but can't seem to find the time to devote.
I would be ok just scrapping a little here and there and hoarding it until more starts rolling in...however I've learned in the last couple days (from my past due bills in my mailbox, my overdrawn bank account, and $20 lonely dollars in my wallet that will soon disappear into liquid to propel my on-its-last-leg car) that this isn't an option at this time. I don't have the money to invest in buying items, or even a vehicle large enough to transport bulk items.
I'm hoping I can squeeze through the winter in hopes that around spring cleaning more people will be willing once again to donate to my "poor college student" fund...if not I guess it's burger flipping time...yikes.
Sorry for the long, depressing rant. Just felt the need to express my frustration...and try to drum up some ways to aquire some income, without drawing excessive attention to myself...that may lead to the wrong person stumbling upon 10 CRT tubes on the side of my garage an an excessive amount of metal that I acquire and sell for cash, and don't pay taxes on...yup...I'm THAT guy...