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Why I hate the local yard AND Karma.....

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    Why I hate the local yard AND Karma.....

    Little story..... I always haul my cars about 25 miles away, yard there pays me better and much cleaner yard, much more professional people, much faster service, altogether three times better experience than at the local yard. However when I have a small load of random stuff to take, I often will just run it into the local yard as it isn't as big of a payout and don't want to spend half the load in fuel....

    Anyway, I was at the dump piece of crap yard, they have about 3 magnets and 2 grapples on 5 or so different cranes. I went back, and was backing my trailer up to the pile and some lady nearby decides to come over and spot me like I can't drive. She was flipping out guess she thought I was gonna run over her S10 (from 15' to the side of it?) anyway, she was gettin on my nerves. Not to toot my horn but personally I think I can backup a trailer better than a lot of morons can drive going forward without a trailer. I've pulled trailers darn near everyday of my life for the last 9 years or so...
    Its 42 degrees and pouring rain. This lady and her son? have this S10 PILED with appliances and random pieces of metal from whatever they found. In my trailer I have an 8' truck bed loaded with a door, leaf spring pack from a 1 ton truck (heavy), bumper, and a piece of a flatbed that was cut off to shorten the bed to fit the truck it went on... Leftovers from a buddy's project to revamp his plow truck. I decide I'm gonna wait on a crane rather than get a hernia. Crane at the shearing pile is loading the shredder machine, the crane at the sheet pile where I am is empty no operator to be found. Another crane is loading a truck across the yard, etc. you get the idea.... The guy in the scales knew I was there and would need unloaded.... I guess since I didn't bring in a semi truck load I am last priority at best. So i feel sorry for the people in the S10 and lend them a hand unloading. They ask if I wanted help unloading I said na, i'm waitin on a crane. I ask if they ever come across junk cars and they said yea here and there, so I gave them some cards and told them I'd give them a finders fee if they line me up with cars. They left. I sat n sat. Finally i grabbed my phone and called the scale house and asked what it took to get a crane out here. He said well they are loading trucks. I said well I'm trying to sell you some metal and i'm standing in 42 degree weather in the **** rain where's a crane? He said well I'll see if one can get to you... Well several more minutes go by, a rollback pulls in with two cars, two guys get out and unhook the one on the stinger then unload the one on the bed. They come over and ask if I want help. I'm hungry and haven't ate all day so I said sure. I'd already gotten bored and unloaded everything out of the bed, but couldn't flip the bed over by myself (it kinda wedged in between the sides on my trailer and still had small parts in it too). They helped me flip it over the side and I thanked them and went and scaled out, got paid 10 minutes later and left.....

    So moral of the story, what comes around goes around, I was surprised how quickly it paid off today. I just hope the yard gets whats coming to them. And by the way there are plenty of employees there at the yard, they were probably out back smoking dope. I don't know f' em. I hate that place the yard is a filthy swamp never know how many nails/screws/etc your tires will pick up, and they are lazy as hell and slow as molasses in january. The price is always decent. It just seems like everytime I go there the experience gets worse and worse. Sadly about every town around me has at least one yard there as well (all fair priced and MUCH cleaner!), and there's guys that drive right past them to come from an hour away to go the yard here in my town. I just wish I didn't have to drive 1/2 hr to get to a yard I like when theres one ten minutes away here that's HUGE, they are bigger than 3 or 4 of the other yards in the surrounding towns!! They ought to be able to afford to conduct business in a much better and competitive and professional manner. I've been to small time yards in the boondocks that had 3 employees, an excavator and a skid loader, and a set of scales you had to weigh the truck seperate from the trailer because they were small scales, and got better service there than almost anywhere! The big yard has no appreciation of your business!

    Wish I could start my own yard...... I'd make sure everyone left HAPPY! Free McFlurries on the house on Fridays! LOL

    Sorry for the long rant...... I feel better now

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  3. #2
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    i was trying to haul a junk diesel generator to my local yard one time. before i picked it up i talked to the woman who ran operations in the office to see if i could get a little bit extra $ for it since it had soo much copper in it she said no.. so i ended up cutting the whole thing up seperating the copper myself from the motor took everything to a different yard made about 500$ more with 2 days work then i wouldve by dropping it there.
    if they had just worked with me a little bit they couldve made more on it and saved me a little work
    they are also very sloppy with there operations the guy that runs the scales on saturdays doesnt know how to do math i know many people have walked out of there with more $ then they shouldve. he paid me 50 extra once and i was dumb enough to give it back to him

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  5. #3
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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  6. #4
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    If you throw in Reese's McFlurries, I be a customer! lol
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  8. #5
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    DEAL! Reeses is the poo!!! and you'd probably be one of my best customers

  9. #6
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigblue12v View Post
    DEAL! Reeses is the poo!!! and you'd probably be one of my best customers
    I used to get OREO all the time, but once they came out with Reese's, I had a new love! lol

  10. #7
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    I love the oreo ones but as much as i love reeses i honestly don't think i've had a reese mcflurry or blizzard..... strange huh?

  11. #8
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    my yard is pretty decent. its about 7 mins from my house. they used to bbq every friday for the customers. in the summer when its hot they give out free icecream.

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  13. #9
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    Are you kidding me?! That's awesome!

  14. #10
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    I love how you start this off by saying: "Little story....." LMAO!!!! Thanks for the rant!

  15. #11
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    I am a 1 man operation small yard and customer service is all I really have to offer. I pull better paying items out of customers shred pile and throw scale them correctly. This is hard work and I try to get them paid right. This getting to be a very competitive business, let your yard owner know about problems, you may be pleasantly surprised. Feedback helps business's do better,some don't care but most do.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to Area67 for This Post:

  17. #12
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    Shipping prepared scrap is always going to be a priority over unloading your truck. They are paying that truck driver to sit there. Usually around 80 an hour. So think about it you are sitting there not costing them money but bringing them money and you are a peddler. The truck driver is getting paid by the hour and they are shipping out twenty tons at a profit of around a 1000. Do the math you are last in line. They may have also had a crane operator or two call off that day. Just a thought.

  18. #13
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    my yard is real good its only about 5mins from my house they pay the best prices in new york and theyre always giving out free hats and shirts even thou i know its free advertising for them its still pretty cool. and since im an ex marine theyre all extremely nice to me lol

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  20. #14
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    gamedayron, thanks for your service and a big UOOOOOO Rah, Mike aka ret GySgt

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  22. #15
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    You all just a bunch of jarheads This comming from a zoomie.

  23. #16
    gamedayron's Avatar
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    no problem mike thank YOU i only made E-3 i salute you gunny

  24. #17
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    All yards have the good and bad points . None are perfect , Some yards look very close some don't
    42 degrees sounds good to me

  25. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    You all just a bunch of jarheads This comming from a zoomie.
    Former E-4 here! 2002-2006 USMC

  26. #19
    Bigblue12v started this thread.
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    42* is fine, without the rain... I was wearing a T shirt at 44* today while working... My wife thinks i'm nuts. Anyway, the yard would be a ghost town if not for all us peddlers... Yes they have almost all the huge commercial accounts in town with rolloffs at every factory, welding and fab shop, you name it, but nonetheless, the peddlers bring in GOBS of business there... But that's ok, I have a great yard that loves buying stuff from me and APPRECIATES everything I bring in, everytime I'm there they do everything they can to make sure I come back there, even though they know I will.

    Thanks to all you service men and women!!!

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