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  1. #1
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Company Update.

    Just wanted to take some time and give a fast update on whats happening here.

    Those who have been out to sell things and or buy from me (have had both) know that I have been running things out of a storage unit, farmers land and a friends house (not counting my own house as well) But would like to note this fact.

    We are moving, I will be making a few videos of the move (its a very large you will see) in the next few days along with photo taking. I have ordered alot of new toys and you will start to see some of those items showing up as well.

    I will keep the address thats on the website for a few more weeks but it will be changed over to the new one once I have everything setup up there.

    P.s another thing I will start doing, anyone who is in the Dallas and or anyone who would like to come out to our shop, you are more than welcome to and we will give you hands on training to help teach you anything you need to know. Mind you this will have to be planned and wont be every day as I have other things. But I will try to put more time on the side to give some hands on training/teaching.

    Well I will keep my YouTube and Twitter pages updated as well as here.
    My company name was Easy Recycle but has since been closed
    My Name Stephan Harz
    My YouTube page

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  3. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Wish you the best with your expansion easy!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

  4. #3
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Very nice! Looking forward to seeing it.

  5. #4
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    glad for your success, wish you much much more.

  6. #5
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    thanks ya'll I will be out there all day tomorrow so I will or should have a good update for you then.

  7. #6
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    sounds like fun to me...

  8. #7
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    easy, how long have you operated out of a storage unit? is it worthwhile. i have been debating back and forth with myself with getting storage unit vs. renting small retail type building (not storefront). problem is, every time I try to Google storage units WITH electric in my area, I seem to have no luck.

  9. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapBootstrap View Post
    easy, how long have you operated out of a storage unit? is it worthwhile. i have been debating back and forth with myself with getting storage unit vs. renting small retail type building (not storefront). problem is, every time I try to Google storage units WITH electric in my area, I seem to have no luck.
    Jump on CL, under housing there are storage/warehouse buildings for rent.

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  11. #9
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    I have been checking CL every day for about the last 3-4 months Idaho. Can't seem to find "the one" yet. Most are either a) too big (thus too much $$), or b) 45 minutes away. Crazy because I see tons of signs for lease everywhere and nobody advertises on CL and when I try to call, nobody ever answers, no voicemails...ugh!

  12. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapBootstrap View Post
    I have been checking CL every day for about the last 3-4 months Idaho. Can't seem to find "the one" yet. Most are either a) too big (thus too much $$), or b) 45 minutes away. Crazy because I see tons of signs for lease everywhere and nobody advertises on CL and when I try to call, nobody ever answers, no voicemails...ugh!
    Don't know if this is an option but this is what I have done.

    My parents own a decent size property and some of it is bare. I bought a 40 foot shipping container and had it dropped next to their shop. Then I ran power underground to it and painted it bright white inside, wired it for lights and plugs.

    They don't charge rent so my only costs were the container and electric.

    I'm sure P&Z doesn't like the container but they haven't said anything yet.

    If you know of bare land with electric nearby this is a potential solution. Only thing I don't like is how narrow it is, (about 8' wide if I remember) but if you can live with that...

    Best of luck and let us know when you find something.

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  14. #11
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapBootstrap View Post
    easy, how long have you operated out of a storage unit? is it worthwhile. i have been debating back and forth with myself with getting storage unit vs. renting small retail type building (not storefront). problem is, every time I try to Google storage units WITH electric in my area, I seem to have no luck.
    I was doing it with a Uhaul storage unit. I just ran power cords. Just look to see where the plugs are at and try to get a unit close to the plug so you dont have to run a cord as far.

    How does it work? It works GREAT but I would say you should get a pallet jack and use pallets so you can roll things in and out of the unit and to the back of your truck. It makes things easy. Having boxes on pallets are nice as well for this kind of setup.

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  16. #12
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    Way to go easy....we all knew you were moving UP and UP and UP some more. We'll be able to say, "I knew him back when he was operating out of a storage unit !"

  17. #13
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    easy, thanks for the input. I have never rented a unit (for any reason) which is why I am somewhat skeptical.

  18. #14
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScrapBootstrap View Post
    easy, thanks for the input. I have never rented a unit (for any reason) which is why I am somewhat skeptical.
    They work good if you ask me. Things that totally SUCK about using storage units. Are as follows.
    1. people have units close to yours so you have to stop what you are doing and clean up so they can get to there stuff.
    2. can be tight place to and and you have nothing to cover your head...cant work in the rain/snow/ice very well.
    3. The people running the place can be...unfriendly so its best to make sure you become GOOD friends with them me..its worth it.
    4. cant have a office in you are back and fourth from your unit to your home on getting some kind of truck office...and or have a unit not far from your house.
    5. You can only be there for so long before you have to leave...or the gate will be locked on you.

    Ok...anyway just got back home did not really get to move anything in as of yet...was doing some cleaning, painting and what not when its empty as this would be the best time to do it. Have an idea where everything will be going so I just have to get it all setup now.

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  20. #15
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    You can only be there for so long before you have to leave...or the gate will be locked on you.
    Some of our lots up here have auto gates you can open if your a customer, like on nites and weekends.
    Only thing I don't like is how narrow it is, (about 8' wide if I remember) but if you can live with that...
    It's the same size as the smaller rental units, as in 8 x 10, 8 x 20. I bought that van out of a rental unit and their was about a foot of space on each side.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 12-07-2011 at 08:09 PM.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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  22. #16
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    these are great we have them at work. electricty and also we have them alarmed in case of break ins.

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  24. #17
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    I have seen people with anough space place two parallel with a ten or so foot gap between them and build a roof over the gap. Fill the area with work benches and you have instant storage and work space.

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  26. #18
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    they do sell smaller ones. the recyling centers have those set up around here. there's a worker in there protected from the elements with a scale.

    some of the independent E recyclers will have one dropped off in various towns and advertise dump your stuff here at no cost to you, better for environment etc. saw one filled with computers when they were leaving.

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  28. #19
    easyrecycle started this thread.
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    Thanked 1,182 Times in 518 Posts was crazy...went to get some work done and had one trailer empty (will show you that photo in a later) and had a phone call so had to go do a pick up of a good size.

    Now the space is just about full and I did not even get the units I was renting before emptied yet!! Talking about growing...I think I just out grew this space and I did not even move into it yet.

    Going to have two guys working straight next week just get all of stuff broken down. I thought this was my slowest it has been in the past...its been VERY busy.

    Anyway I will be over there for a short bit for a meeting and then back over here so when I am there I will shoot some photos/video.

  29. #20
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyrecycle View Post was crazy...went to get some work done and had one trailer empty (will show you that photo in a later) and had a phone call so had to go do a pick up of a good size.

    Now the space is just about full and I did not even get the units I was renting before emptied yet!! Talking about growing...I think I just out grew this space and I did not even move into it yet.

    Going to have two guys working straight next week just get all of stuff broken down. I thought this was my slowest it has been in the past...its been VERY busy.

    Anyway I will be over there for a short bit for a meeting and then back over here so when I am there I will shoot some photos/video.
    You are an inspiration to a lot of guys and gals.

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