About what I expected. there was someone there already grabbing a big server other board and a few other parts and I waited until he was done. I ended up spending $30 on over a pound of ram, some hard drives, pound and a half of finger cards and a whole mess of wire and cables.
I broke it all down and ended up with just over $60 worth of scrap, a couple of cords to hang onto and an AT&T video phone that I will try to sell. I could not find one similar to it on e-bay but it looks similar to this one from another company but is grey.
I also chatted a bunch with the other guy there buying stuff and we exchanged numbers. He said he was a hardware junkie and just likes to tinker. He may need some of the working stuff I have at better than scrap value and I will be able to get his broken stuff.
The guy we were buying from was a very nice guy and he lives less than 2 blocks from me and kept my number as well. He is wheelchair bound and I am going to try and find him a couple things he wanted for his garage. So I made a new contact and maybe a new friend from down the street.