Originally Posted by
Dude stockpile them and then ship them. If you have room to store a few palets im sure you would make out like a bandit.
I agree 100%, but that is the issue, no room.
All of my businesses our ran from my home. I use my in law's place to store my trailer, and any real big items I need to tear down, but the county officials (zoning, etc) drive around the city all the time looking for a reason to write up residents. As long as stuff is on my trailer, they don't care, but when I had a few washers and dryers sitting on the "land" so I could break them down, they gave me a warning.
Granting, I do whatever I want, because my father in law's doesn't care at all about them, but I like keeping the peace.
Been trying to find a vacant land or a small warehouse some where that has been abandoned for a while, and make the owner's some sort of deal, but can't seem to find anything.