So, latley I've been down (yea I cried on here in a post awhile back), but this last weekend reminded me why I can NEVER give up.
My girlfriend brought me a couple TVs from a co-worker, so friday I broke them down alone with some screen doors I had laying around, and one of those old consol tvs...a pain in the @$$ but you take the good with the bad. I was surprised to find the wheels had cast aluminum mounts.
So, Sunday I load the junk into my car, and head off to my free drop off/dig site, where my girlfriend hates going with me, because I will spend time digging for goods, while she sits bored in the car. Oh well. I had to take her x-mas shopping, so she could suffer.
I get excited almost immideatly. Boxes of stuff! Looks like somebody just moved. Not alot of boxes, but a couple I can dig through quick. Found a bunch of flatware, knives (stainless blades), two pans (one smaller, one big roaster, I think their both stainless, I may try to clean up the roaster and sell it), a tool kit that was issued by a Chrysler dealer (five-star logo on the front, missing one spark plug socket and 1/4" driver), a cordless drill, other assorted auto goodies (bulbs, fuses, etc), coffe maker, box fan (gotta love them motors), a HP monitor, and some rummage-sale quality kids stuff...I'm not sure exactly what's in it all, I havn't gone through it all yet. I was going to wait, but can't hold in my excitement...
I picked out a pair of pliers, rusted tight. Upon closer inspection, they were a pair of MAC Tools pliers...ok can't find a model number, but can CLEARLY see the MAC logo...So I bring them to school, on Monday, catch the MAC tools distributor today, show him the pliers (told him they were given to me by a family member) and he's amazed at the fact their rusted tight...he shrugs, and says "Sure, i'll warrenty them." 5 minutes later, theres a brand new pair in my hand. Run the model number through the MAC website...and my jaw drops open...$75.99! So, I got a free pair of $76+ pliers...
When I first picked up the drill I didn't find any markings/labels, but at first glance it looked ALOT like my Snap-On 3/8. Even if it's dead, it has a $50 trade in value. Whoo Hoo!
But the day wasn't done yet. Boring x-mas shopping. Then to the g/fs parents. Wait, theres 2 tv's on the curb! they still even have the cords!
Check my email later...Oh, honey, on the way home I need to pick up a
microwave. So, off to get the mic. my eyes deceive me, or is that a humidifier on the curb? With two metal oven racks? My poor car is starting to cry as I load these goods in on top of all the other junk of the day.
Get to microwave ladies house...nice sized mic just chillen on the porch for me...
So while this may sound sad, it's one of the best hauls I've had in a long time. And I can't help but brag about the pliers...I never get that lucky!