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todays treasures

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    todays treasures

    50 lb #1/#2 insulated wire $50

    2 air cond one window ine ground modlel $20

    1 tower, 1 key board and one monitor $5

    1 2008 50 cc scooter looks rough runs good $150

    what I didnt take yet 1 1961 westinghouse pop cooler (chest type) very good condition works great cant figgure what to offer. gotta do some research it was made by General motors.

    I craftsman table saw 10 inch big motor and weighs a ton. this thing works great and is heavy iron old school. he offered it to .me for $40

    what I lost 25 lb mixed brass offered $20 got turned down.

    3 above ground water pumps 1 with cast head 2 with plastic heads probably 40 lbs offered .25 per lb turned down.

    the water pumps table saw and the Westing house cooler are still available. the brass is too far to go back and get.

  2. #2
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Great day Old Dude!

    What shape is that table saw in? It may be just what I've been looking for.

    Might be worth a bit more to me if you are interested. I forget what part of the state you are from, but it would make for a nice road trip .
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    1961 westinghouse pop cooler (chest type) very good condition works great cant figgure what to offer. gotta do some research it was made by General motors
    Westinghouse is a competitor to General Motors who manufactured Air Conditioners, Freezers and Refrigerators which sold under the Frigidaire name.

    From 1919 to 1979, the company was owned by General Motors. During that period, it was first a subsidiary of Delco-Light and was later an independent division, based in Dayton, Ohio. Frigidaire was sold to White Consolidated Industries 1979, which was in turn purchased by Electrolux, its current parent, in 1986.

  4. #4
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    Thats a very Nice days haul indeed! Although you did'nt get it, the (Table S aw = Wire stripper for large guage wire)You may already have one, but just in case you might not. A couple years ago I came across a old Craftsman table saw so we fabricated some very basic and simple wire insulation cutter jigs.

  5. #5
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    gus you may be right it could b a frigidare it has the crown at the top of the logo. cant find a date but the searial # contains a 61 im guessen it was made in 61.

    joe the table saw is an oldie heavy iron no tin, 10 inch blade huge motor, has some surface rustn nothing searious, the guards are gone, butall the release lrvers work as well as the slideing guide. the table isabout 4x4 the extension arms are about 4 more it will handle 4x8 plywood. personaly I if I had the loose change I would buy it. im in the central panhandle 60 mi straight west of Tallahassee
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 12-15-2011 at 11:05 PM.

  6. #6
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    You should easily be able to sell that Table saw on Craigslist for a quick profit. Lots of people prefer the old all Iron saws over the AL and plastic ones made today.

  7. #7
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by G_P View Post
    You should easily be able to sell that Table saw on Craigslist for a quick profit. Lots of people prefer the old all Iron saws over the AL and plastic ones made today.
    Hey man back off my saw deal! LOL just joking.

    O Dude I thought you had possession of the great iron beast. The real saws with a solid table are getting harder to find these days.

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