So I was in Pacific yesterday and noticed a flyer taped to their counter. I don't recall all of the details but the gist of it was a local thrift store was wanting your metals and would give you a tax write off.
Their goal is to reach $90,000.
When I saw this I didn't know how I should feel.
On one hand I don't mind helping people out.
On the other hand thrift stores get all of their stuff for free. No one does me any favors, nor do I expect them to. I work hard. Making ends meet is tough, and they come along to cut into the overall available pie.
Maybe I am wrong, but by my observations all of the local stores are doing quite well. One moved to a new location which is quite large, which tells me they are turning enough money to be leasing it, unless they got a break for being a "non profit".
I guess I am just a tad annoyed that they get so much merchandise for free, and now they're horning in on the scrap business.
If only they knew what kind of money they were sitting on regarding TV's, computers, electronic scrap, etc...but I, for one, won't be informing any of them.