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Oh my aching back!

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  1. #1
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Oh my aching back!

    LOL. I spent all day today cleaning circuit boards in preparation for my visit to computerscrapper. Then I got the rest of my tv's/monitors (about 13) ready for quick disassembly. Then went to dinner with wife and friends. Then drove the alleys twice and found a bunch of crap. I have arthritis in my back due to my injuries overseas and although it's strong............ I'm going to feel this tomorrow! 27 years old.......... this sucks! My Grandpa and I get along real well now! HAHA. Oh well, as they say....... rub some dirt on it.
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  2. #2
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Maybe your right! LOL! Any volunteers?

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  4. #3
    scrapdollar's Avatar
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    For back pains (also works on sinus infections)

    Mix 2 tsp Apple cider vinegar into 1 cup water add 2 tsp honey to sweeten it if you like, drink it.

    I drink 2 tsp apple cider vinegar mixed in hot tap water.

    Make a cup for Grandpa too!

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  6. #4
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Is that for arthritis or just general aches?

  7. #5
    Pattyb's Avatar
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    I have a bad back too started at 18 years old it sucks I know. Ibuprofen works for me or the chiropracter sometimes. Good luck feel better. Maybe punching someone else in the face might make ya feel better I got a couple candidates out here for ya lol.

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  9. #6
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    I use to have to go to the chiropractor a few times a week until I picked up an inversion table. I now soak in the hot tub for a while then hang for ten minutes.
    Inversion is not for everyone but it sure helps me.

    I also take I-be- brokens (Ibuprofen)
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  11. #7
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    I use to have to go to the chiropractor a few times a week until I picked up an inversion table. I now soak in the hot tub for a while then hang for ten minutes.
    Inversion is not for everyone but it sure helps me.

    I also take I-be- brokens (Ibuprofen)
    I've been wanting an inversion table for a while now. Unfortunately the ceilings in my apartments have never been high enough to allow one lol.

  12. #8
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrapdollar View Post
    For back pains (also works on sinus infections)

    Mix 2 tsp Apple cider vinegar into 1 cup water add 2 tsp honey to sweeten it if you like, drink it.

    I drink 2 tsp apple cider vinegar mixed in hot tap water.

    Make a cup for Grandpa too!
    Sounds good but you forgot the Crown.
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  13. #9
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post

    I also take I-be- brokens (Ibuprofen)
    Now that's funny right there.

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  15. #10
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tackleberry View Post
    I've been wanting an inversion table for a while now. Unfortunately the ceilings in my apartments have never been high enough to allow one lol.
    I also have the boots and a bracket that mounts in a door jamb. You need about a foot above the door way . If that helps.
    Teeter Hang Ups sells the bracket. I started with the boots but when my back and neck was real bad I had a hard time pulling myself up. With the table you just lean back and relax!

  16. #11
    scrapdollar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hypoman View Post
    Is that for arthritis or just general aches?
    I only know that my back was aching, it felt like it was in knots and I couldn't get any relief, I read somewhere that the mixture would help, thought what the heck, tried it and it relaxed me.....then, when I had a sinus infection I tried it, man what a relief! I wouldn't had believed it if I hadn't tried it myself. Yes, I have heard it will help relive arthritis pains, but I don't have any first hand knowledge.

    Quote Originally Posted by KZBell View Post
    Sounds good but you forgot the Crown.

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  18. #12
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    You know what works just as well for me as inversion, which I don't do because it makes me too dizzy--I have some vertigo, and upside down is totally out of the question. When I saw Richard Gere in American Gigolo using the gravity boots, I felt intuitively that it would make my back feel better but I couldn't stand it upside down. I thought it must work just as well to hang right side up if the object is, as in gravity boots, to let your body act as it's own dead weight. So, I find a bar (many gyms, playgrounds, or fitness courses at parks, etc.) that has a height taller than me, feet totally off the ground, and hang from your hands and let your body act as dead weight. Don't let feet touch ground, or use any resistance effort, just hang limp like a dead weight as long as you can stand it. You might have to repeat it a few times if your hands want to give out before a minute or so. This has always straightened out whatever is going on in my lower, and the ache totally goes away. I was in a car accident in my 20's in which my lower back was injured. 30yrs later I get lower back aches all the time if I lift too much, etc. This method always takes away the back ache for me. Maybe it sounds too wierd, but it works.

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  20. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by silveraggie View Post
    You know what works just as well for me as inversion, which I don't do because it makes me too dizzy--I have some vertigo, and upside down is totally out of the question. When I saw Richard Gere in American Gigolo using the gravity boots, I felt intuitively that it would make my back feel better but I couldn't stand it upside down. I thought it must work just as well to hang right side up if the object is, as in gravity boots, to let your body act as it's own dead weight. So, I find a bar (many gyms, playgrounds, or fitness courses at parks, etc.) that has a height taller than me, feet totally off the ground, and hang from your hands and let your body act as dead weight. Don't let feet touch ground, or use any resistance effort, just hang limp like a dead weight as long as you can stand it. You might have to repeat it a few times if your hands want to give out before a minute or so. This has always straightened out whatever is going on in my lower, and the ache totally goes away. I was in a car accident in my 20's in which my lower back was injured. 30yrs later I get lower back aches all the time if I lift too much, etc. This method always takes away the back ache for me. Maybe it sounds too wierd, but it works.
    Sounds interesting I will have to try it, also I find that my body is telling me I need to drink more water when my back starts hurting and I haven't been lifting much. Also have you introduced yourself, I would like to give you an official "welcome to the board".

  21. #14
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Removing the wallet from back pocket then the belt going to suspenders helped me.

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  23. #15
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    How about one of those belts like the weightlifters use about 5-6 wide, and stretchy. Holds everything together when their lifting those amazing weights. I notice the guys nite stocking at Walmart all wear those belts cause their lifting those heavy boxes down off the pallets.
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 12-18-2011 at 02:19 PM.
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  25. #16
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    How about one of those belts like the weightlifters use about 5-6 wide, and stretchy. Holds everything together when their lifting those amazing weights. I notice the guys nite stocking at Walmart all wear those belts cause their lifting those heavy boxes down off the pallets.
    I am pretty sure those guys are required to wear those back supports.

  26. #17
    Hypoman started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    How about one of those belts like the weightlifters use about 5-6 wide, and stretchy. Holds everything together when their lifting those amazing weights. I notice the guys nite stocking at Walmart all wear those belts cause their lifting those heavy boxes down off the pallets.
    I have really been thinking about getting one of those..... I plan on doing this forever so I'll need to do something like that.

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