You know what works just as well for me as inversion, which I don't do because it makes me too dizzy--I have some vertigo, and upside down is totally out of the question. When I saw Richard Gere in American Gigolo using the gravity boots, I felt intuitively that it would make my back feel better but I couldn't stand it upside down. I thought it must work just as well to hang right side up if the object is, as in gravity boots, to let your body act as it's own dead weight. So, I find a bar (many gyms, playgrounds, or fitness courses at parks, etc.) that has a height taller than me, feet totally off the ground, and hang from your hands and let your body act as dead weight. Don't let feet touch ground, or use any resistance effort, just hang limp like a dead weight as long as you can stand it. You might have to repeat it a few times if your hands want to give out before a minute or so. This has always straightened out whatever is going on in my lower, and the ache totally goes away. I was in a car accident in my 20's in which my lower back was injured. 30yrs later I get lower back aches all the time if I lift too much, etc. This method always takes away the back ache for me. Maybe it sounds too wierd, but it works.