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scrapped truck then got my bonus :)

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    corycouch started this thread.
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    scrapped truck then got my bonus :)

    we bought a 93 ford explorer of craigslist last friday and just got around to scrapping it today. paid 300 for it and it scrapped out at 432 and we still have the cats radiator alternator relays aluminum wheels w tires and some wiring. pretty good day we thought as we were leaving the exit scale a guy in line had a whole trailer full of shred or so i thought a big 220 window ac sitting right up top. i stopped paid him $5 for it and went on wish i coulda picked his whole trailer water heaters with copper line washer and dryer and who knows what i didnt see ,i dont know if the guy knows how much he lost by going thru the shred line and not processing his scrap but no matter what he still done better than going tothe dump

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    How many cats were on the explorer? Im just curious.
    “If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.”

    Abraham Lincoln

  3. #3
    CMHN's Avatar
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    Yea, I see that all the time.

    Sometimes I will get a full load from one trip and instead of taking it home to break down I will just stop at the nearest scrap yard and unload. If there are items that I know I want to break down I will keep them on the trailer and take those pieces home. As long as they are there when I heavy weight and then light weight they are still mine and the yard doesn't give me a hard time about it. In fact they sometimes thank me for breaking them down further, they make more money if the items are broke down, its a win-win.
    CMHN Recycling

  4. #4
    corycouch started this thread.
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    two cats on the explorer not really sure what they are really worth the yards here pay 30 to35 apiece so im gonna hold on for a little while thinking of sending them to one of the places online, usually i just run them down when i take my batteries and whatnot. yep i do the same thing to i leave the best stuff in the bed of the truck to sort out later and put all the steel on the trailer and drop it off on the way home.

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