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  1. #1
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    Received a text about 20 minutes ago from a marina owner

    I hope this was for real, I talked to him for about 5 minutes. He is revamping his entire marina, downsizing in other words. He was going through spots where he dumps parts and shore power cord sets. They are for keeping boats plugged in to a main power source while the boat is in dock so the bilge pump doesn't kill the battery(s) and the boat doesn't fill up with water. He said he has about 60 or so 30amp 50ft cords and a bunch of parts he needs to get rid of. The cords retail right around $85 each. Hopefully I can get down there tomorrow. It's about 45 miles away so I'll see when he is available. Just hoping there is not catch and it's not b***s***. I'm not sure if he'll let me test them, Just want to see if they work as they are all 220v with either 8 or 10 gauge. I don't exactly have a 220 outlet available.

  2. #2
    tackleberry's Avatar
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    I did a lot of landscaping work at a yacht club this past summer. I was able to take a couple that were damaged and scrapped them as #2 insulated. Stripping them was out of the question for me as the outer casing was incredibly tough. They were heavy also, if I remember correctly it worked out to around 5lbs per 10 feet, but don't quote me on that.

    Best of luck, if the place is anything like where I worked there will be lots of scrap.

  3. #3
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Sounds like a winner NJ26.....good luck.

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  5. #4
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    ** That's a Great Lead / Customer call !! It will be a Win ... Win situation for you no matter how much he gives you the first time around. "The ice is broken and you have your foot in the door" Then you have the referal possibilities thereafter...... Like any other business; You take good care of your customer ie; prompt service, neat & clean & well organized, do what you say you are going to do and the call-back rate will flurish along with the referals that you recieve from it.

    Almost every large scrap site pick-up that we have aquired came from customer referals...... It's essentially the Ultimate Advertizing a person or company can get, in fact money can't buy you this type of promotional marketing / advertizing of your services.

    Well the Best of Luck to you and all other scrapper's out there.


    Ps. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!

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  7. #5
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    I went down this morning and this is what I ended up with:
    71 Powercords (10 wire)
    32 exaust pipes (that are stainless)
    13 alternators
    41 exhaust manifolds
    3 transmissions
    and some other odds and ends.

    My truck and his trailer were LOADED.

    He let us borrow one of his 14' enclosed trailers, I did let him know I wouldn't be able to return it until after new years. He said, keep it until you get everything processed and call me when you are on the way back down and i'll get your next load ready.......HUH? lol. He told me I will have at least 3 more loads for truck and trailer loads......OK!! My dad said don't worry about the wire I'll handle it. I've been carrying in 10 power cords at a time and cutting them into 4' lengths so dad can strip them. Needless to say my living room looks like Sanford and Sons. Keeps dad busy and he doesn't mind because he's retired anyway. I get everything prepped for him and he strips it, so when we cash in everything in March or April we split it.

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  9. #6
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    If this is for real, it is a dream come true!! That's great!

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  11. #7
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    definitely treat this client as he is the ONLY 1 you have, and it will PAY OFF!

    Good job!!!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  13. #8
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    The gift that keeps on giving...Nice work!
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  15. #9
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Good deal NJ! GreenTruckeR put it well.

    It is nice to see you and your dad working together.
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    no taxes, no debt, women did all the work.
    White man thought he could improve on a system like this. - Old Cherokee saying

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  17. #10
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    I've been down the last month or so, odds n ends driving around just that one good with the 10/3 romex and that's been it. I'm starting my new job on the 9th so I have to get all this done by that Sunday. It seems like every time I make a decision (selling my trailer) for example it bites me in the a**. Dad ended up driving because I wanted his truck just in case. Good thing because my Ranger never would've pulled the trailer and truck loaded. For me it's slow for a week or two, then I'm buried for a week with one pickup. I've been fortunate with the things I have found and or calls I have been getting. The marina owner is a cool dude, loaded the truck and trailer with a Bobcat. He said he got my number from here about 6 months ago, I told him I was surprised he still had my number. He put it in his phone as "get rid of my s*** guy", I was laughing when I saw that.

    Thanks everyone!!
    Joe I live with him because he isn't doing well health wise. I do the bull work and he strips wire. lol
    Yes GTR did put it well.

    ***I weighed one of those cords and it was 23.54lbs**

  18. #11
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Couldn't have come at a better time,,, Merry Christmas

    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
    If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.

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  20. #12
    ScrapperNJ26 started this thread.
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    Marina Job Update Total Piece Count from 3 loads

    101 Power Cords
    51 Exhaust Pipes
    59 Alternators
    93 Exhaust Manifolds
    27 Intake Manifolds
    4 Water Pumps
    11 Transmissions
    18 SS Props (all bent)
    6 Bronze Props (3 bent) Not sure of size or pitch, need to take measurements and do some research.
    9 Small Outboards
    4 Engines 4 & 6 Cylinders
    49 Throttle Cables
    5 Wiring Harnesses
    14 Throttle Controls

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  22. #13
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    You might already know to check with prop shops to see if they are in the market for the bent props. Dependig on the size they may be worth repairing. I would think the marina would know this but some people are lazy.

    Good news on the scrap so far, Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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