Today while at my parents place my dad gave me an envelope with a hand drawn map inside. It took me a min and him explaining to figure what out what the hell was going on. It was a treasure map!!! (So to speak)lol He drew out a map of the country neighborhood, labeling all the neighbors houses with numbers. I had five guesses to figure out where the scrap was. Luckily he gave me more guesses because it took me till the eleventh to get it, lol.
A neighboring property was sold a while back to a very large farming outfit. The farming outfit had the house and 2 barns burned by the fire department, which leaves just a bunch of misc ruble. Dad talked to the farming outfit and they are gonna bulldoze what is left into a hole so they can connect 2 fields. They said feel free to go over there and take anything I want except for a swather that they own, and a flatbed trailer.
Me and dad went over there and checked it out today. I'm guessing there has to be at least 1-2 tons of stuff laying around. Things I noticed was:
The framing of an old rail car they had as a shed
Old water heater
2 appliances that are unburnt
2 ac units
riding lawn mower
wood stove in the now open basement
couple vehicle rims
old compressor pump
piping EVERYWHERE, including some heavy water main pipes
and 2 things we are gonna check on
a snow blower that is unburnt but old
and an old hand well pump that isn't stuck, but missing the handle
Good thing I'm a farm boy and have loader tractors available to use, cause some of that stuff I don't have a chance of lifting. My dads gonna call the farming outfit and confirm everything in the next day or 2. I'm gonna have him put a bug in their ear that if they get another place like this locally, to give me a call.
I'm really looking forward to getting to work on this. I can only imagine what could be buried underneath some of piles of concrete. I didn't take any pics while I was out there, but I will next time I'm out there. Stay tuned and I will update when I have something to add.