That is quite common up in my neck of the woods also. I am in the upper Mid-West ie; Milwaukee, Green Bay. Around here there are a number of variables that determine the yards pay-out's. Although I utilize a handful of yards, but there are two of them that I maintain a very close & informed business relationship with.
At any one time thier pricing structure will usually be different and one of the main reasons are of course supply -and- demand and then one of the biggest factors that determine pricing is thier market contracts Nationally and local.
Here is a prime example: We all recall about 6-8 weeks ago when the CU market took a abrupt dive, down to 2.70 or so, well about three weeks later when prices were still down all across the US. we recieved a call from the yard, they asked if we were planning on bringing any CU within the next week, of course we told them that we will be sitting on what we have till the market comes up a bit. "He responded by telling us that they will pay us $ 3.28 for the next business week"
That happens quite often with Sheet metal & iron from time to time anyways
The metals market is a very fluid , ever changing market and I think it all depends upon how your own yard'(s) react and work thier metals contracts etc.
Good scrapping to all, and to all a good night!