Originally Posted by
Copper Head I am confused here. You state you claimed your scrap earnings on your tax return, how did you come up with these numbers?
If you don't have receipts from the yard from each trip then one can only assume you took a guess at the amounts.
If I were you I would "somehow" come up with something on paper to prove what you claimed to have made or the IRS is going to audit you and nail you to the wall.
The book keeping or lack there of is on you. People always think being self employed is all about racking in the dough without having to answer to there boss. But self employed is far more then that, you have to be the Boss, the worker, the book keeper, customer service rep., shop maintenance, etc.
Hopefully you get this worked out but be sure to start a file with every receipt this year!
Good luck
since i always seem on the edge of the paying of bills ,I will say i get paid and deposit
and that unfortunately seems to be my life , If did more painting contractor work the amt could at times be generous then no real work for a wile. As of now i have found I can't do both types of work at the same time. Putting my hart in to scrap for finding and working it seem not compatible , If just what my truck has become from the work
Yes for the new year I will start to keep all receipts from yard and have my own receipt sheet on any metals i purchased in relation to that load or connection to that receipt.
I know how much I make each week or month in respect to the fact the bills are boss
& thats all there is to it. I try to keep a floating amount in my pocket if not just to be ready for the fast purchase of goods from people .
I realize scrap if handled proper wealth can happen , But as any work that will end up being me and how successful I allow my self to become . Since 2010 is my first real year of scrap I think I'll be able to restructure since i really have only been scraping
& don't have any 1099 showing up from painting employers or personal checks from home owners or even any real activity concerning paint purchases.
If an income averaging of 5 yrs was to occur scraping wont even come into play , years previous i used to work for companies so they used to do my paper work in a sense .
If I could hit it big as i do know metals, I would, but for sure i can't bring home this work as people who live near me hate to look at me tearing down things and the sounds of grinders and such . The only reason i am in this pickle is due to some body trying to cause trouble to make me move.
I have been having other things also .The complaints are easy to see the source. I have discovered all states have a 1 800 tip line that heartless people can use improperly to harass So far the state workers for most of the complaints work with me as they also can see it is harassment
My 2012 resolutions
All metal items not in sight so people near me can't be annoyed
Keep track of all income proper.
Make this a good year and utilize all the skills I have ,
If i get a what others consider a real job I'll scale back with scrap. But thanks to all in helping me realize the need to keep better records.
I wish all a happy new year & 2012 be a great year