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met with my potential wale today. WOW!!!!!

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #1
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    met with my potential wale today. WOW!!!!!

    I was hoping for a nice stash, what I found was a virtual treasure cave or caves to be more exact. dont have any Idea how Im going to handle this one.

    first off he asks me if I would be interested in a pallet 7 feet high with servers, he dosent have any more room for them. he was going to turn them down. next we enter the 3 car garage one bay holds a car the other two are stacked 6 foot high wall to wall with every kind of computer, server, network hook ups you can imagin, after worming our way through the towering stacks we come to a ladder to the attic or loft of the garage. the loft is full of computers, he says they are all working, just up grade trade ins from ins. companies.

    on the way out he shows me 2 55 gal plastic barrels full of alu heat sinks, tells me he has more heat sinks in boxes, so on the way out he opens a couple of fairly small boxes in for stacks about 5 ft hi. inside are the most beautiful ALL COPPER 4 IN BY 4 IN BY 4 in. HEAT SINKS.

    we go to the house and into what used to be a walk in closet, passing box after box of 250 and 400 gig hard drives. we get to the back room and here are more stacks of hard drives and copper heat sinks. then he shows me his computer it is 5 ft high by 2 1/2 feet across and between 3 and 4 feet deep. I have no earthly Idea what else is there.

    turns out he was a computer tech for several insurance compamies, and I dont me uncle ****s insurance agency down on the corner. he said he spent most of his work time in Des Moines , Omaha, Dallas and Huston. he now works as a syber spook, he make systems un hackable, and detects where attacks are coming from. These companies are always offering him computers by the palet load.

    he said he knows what copper and alu are worth but he would allow me a profit just to handle it

    he wasent too keen on my price for the computers, but did admit they are out of date even tho they work and dosent really want the hastle of E bay or Craigs list.

    Iv got to plan this one out very carefully suggestions ?
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 01-05-2012 at 09:04 PM.

  2. #2
    GeorgeB's Avatar
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    I think I just died and went to E HEAVEN! lol

    Congratulations olddude! If anyone deserves it, it is you!
    George Beale - Founder & President -
    VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!

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  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I'm sure your gears and cogs are spinning with a few ideas OD, but if investment cash is tight maybe you can work a deal on a chunk of the quick flip metal so you have some cash to start the snowball with. Green snowball's in Florida could be fun.
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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    "Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."

  5. #4
    ComputerScrapper's Avatar
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    One thing I would suggest is to go in to the next meeting with him armed to the teeth with information on how much it is going to cost to actually get the total value out of the machines...I have found when dealing with a lot of clients is that they do not seem to understand that time is money and the more time we have to spend tearing stuff down the more it is going to cost us. That means less of the total is going to be profit. Normally when I lay that out for clients like that they seem to let their guard down a little bit when it comes to the price.

    Anyway, nice one Olddude, looks like it could make you a fortune!

  6. #5
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Good for you oldude !! This really does sound like the motherload ! We'll all be on pins and needles till the deal is closed. I'm praying that this is the deal to really get you the cash that is !!

  7. #6
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    thanks all.
    mrdg: I actually have only three of these, (hole in one) deals working. they are still in the fire. the copper deal is a monthly deal. one guy has a shed full of computer scrap and another shed full of alu windows and screens. and this one. pulling off any one of them would be a life changer for me. I would gladly go halfies on all three or any one of them. In my cercomstances pulling off any one of them would be a miricale move for me. just sayin

  8. #7
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    best of luck and I hope all three work out for you! there's nothing like the excitement of finding a big stash

  9. #8
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    In those cases, I would do anything and everything ...up to and including....getting down on my knees and kissing areas of grey to get those deals...:>

  10. #9
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    Congrats and good luck!

  11. #10
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    Congrats on this deal I hope it works out. Don't sell youself short on this or any deal. You are providing a service. It has value. You profit because of the knowledge you have. You deserve to make a profit. Mike
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  13. #11
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Wow, nice hook up....hopefully. I would so as mentioned above. Make a deal on the copper and aluminum with you basically making a handler's fee, and maybe it will warm the guy up for dealing with the computers.

    With that amount of computers and servers, you could go a little higher on your buy price as long as it included the entire lot. Just a thought.

    Crossing my fingers for you down here.

    Once again, I wish I lived a little closer to you.

  14. #12
    Scrapette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olddude View Post
    I was hoping for a nice stash, what I found was a virtual treasure cave or caves to be more exact. dont have any Idea how Im going to handle this one.

    first off he asks me if I would be interested in a pallet 7 feet high with servers, he dosent have any more room for them. he was going to turn them down. next we enter the 3 car garage one bay holds a car the other two are stacked 6 foot high wall to wall with every kind of computer, server, network hook ups you can imagin, after worming our way through the towering stacks we come to a ladder to the attic or loft of the garage. the loft is full of computers, he says they are all working, just up grade trade ins from ins. companies.

    on the way out he shows me 2 55 gal plastic barrels full of alu heat sinks, tells me he has more heat sinks in boxes, so on the way out he opens a couple of fairly small boxes in for stacks about 5 ft hi. inside are the most beautiful ALL COPPER 4 IN BY 4 IN BY 4 in. HEAT SINKS.

    we go to the house and into what used to be a walk in closet, passing box after box of 250 and 400 gig hard drives. we get to the back room and here are more stacks of hard drives and copper heat sinks. then he shows me his computer it is 5 ft high by 2 1/2 feet across and between 3 and 4 feet deep. I have no earthly Idea what else is there.

    turns out he was a computer tech for several insurance compamies, and I dont me uncle ****s insurance agency down on the corner. he said he spent most of his work time in Des Moines , Omaha, Dallas and Huston. he now works as a syber spook, he make systems un hackable, and detects where attacks are coming from. These companies are always offering him computers by the palet load.

    he said he knows what copper and alu are worth but he would allow me a profit just to handle it

    he wasent too keen on my price for the computers, but did admit they are out of date even tho they work and dosent really want the hastle of E bay or Craigs list.

    Iv got to plan this one out very carefully suggestions ?

    are you sure it wasn't a dream?
    Success consists of going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm...... Churchill

  15. #13
    EcoSafe started this thread.
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    its a dream alright, just on pins and needles hoping it dont turn into a nightmare

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