Originally Posted by
Newbies can get info here free? I wish. That's the way it should be but I've seen how many newbies are treated here. Instead of answering questions, they are often told in a very mean spirited way to do the reseaerch, use search engines.....
Just a couple of weeks ago I was one of those newbies you talk about. What I knew about
ewaste could have been written on the back of a capacitor. Since joining this board I have learned from the advice I have recieved and the information I have found. All of the advice I read and the videos I watched were free, and it was shared by people who have made their discoveries the hard way, by trial and error.
You mention people being treated in a mean spirited way, but this is not behaviour that I recognise on this board. I've made 40 posts, and I've been thanked 33 times in 17 of those posts. That isn't a record of people being mean spirited.
While we are on the subject of friendliness, if you check my friends page you will see that I have found three other scrappers in the UK who are contributors to this board. I find this to be excellent, considering this board is primarily used by people from the US.
I should have done this earlier, but now seems as good a time as any.
Thank you to all of the people on this board who take the time to share their hard earned knowledge with myself and others for free. Your willingness to help myself and others is wonderful, and I have much respect for you all.