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Do you think women have a better advantage to getting scrap to men or visa virsa? I have to ask this lol!! When I approach people and tell them I am in scrap recycling they are more then willing to work with me and most of the time load the product in my truck without me even touching it (sweet)! But sometimes they look at me like im just a girl who has lost her marbles! Do men have a better "store front" look? Are they more appealing to the trade (when asking for scrap)???
Hope you don't mind me asking this question on you post Scrapette?
Don't mind at all, it's a good question.
Well, I'd have to say that being female has some advantages and some disadvantages in my opinion, imyourgirl. On the one hand, I think people are less afraid of females roaming their neighborhoods and eyeballing their properties at odd hours. But some are wary of anyone doing that regardless of gender - I was pulled over by the police on one occasion and got the full once over. Other females are more likely to answer the door to me than to an unknown male. I also probably get a lot more help with loading and unloading than men get and the guys at the yard are a little more understanding when I don't break things down completely.
However, I think that I may miss out on business because I am not taken as seriously as a guy with a big truck, a buddy, a trailer and a ton of power tools. I'm one middle-aged woman with a roomy SUV. I can do a lot with it, but that may not be immediately obvious to some people. I'm making up
business cards now and to be honest, I don't plan to put my name on them. If callers want to think I'm the just the chick that answers the phone, then I probably won't go out of my way to tell them otherwise right off the bat.
I paid a guy yesterday (he didn't want to take the money but I made him) to help me put a 260 lb. cast iron stove into the SUV, after I had disassembled it. So it's not like it can't be done.
And people thought I lost my marbles long before I got into scrap! LOL.