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What a Way to Start the Day - Page 2

| A Day in the Life of a Scrapper
  1. #21
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    A single roofing nail in each one. But it was aimed at someone else up the road. They had a driveway full of em. Me and a few others picked em up off the road. So far I've heard of at least 6 other vehicles that got it.
    Sounds like someone did a drive by with a handful of roofing nail and winged them.

    Were they Simplex or regular roofing nails?

    Don't be so fast to blame the Roofers anyone can buy nails! Roofers get a bad rap to start with!
    When the white man discovered this country Indians were running it
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  3. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Hope your having a better week skyline. Now that you've added pics to posts, I would like to see the action shots of you huck'in compressors around till you found one that worked. :]
    Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
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  5. #23
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    Good thing you were'nt driving when they went flat.
    In the summer I was driving on the MOST windy, hilly road around, had a rear tire go flat (late night getting back from scrapping) ...dang truck curved to one side of road,
    fought it to other side, to other side, on and so-on was seeing trees I could've hit on each side, BUT really I was seeing: My daughter, my pregnant wife, and MY LIFE as I was skidding at 45 MPH!:eek:

    I pulled off and used my crappy cigarette lighter compressor to re-inflate it.
    Plugged it (myself) next day...went flat again, noticed FOUR more screws ,probably from the scrap-yard.
    (was thinking ,"Man the employees seem "jealous" sometimes, BUT they just have NO IDEA what I go through and risk daily")

    I bought extra plugs, think I plug a tire on my truck and get rollin' w/in about 5-10 minutes these days...(I've had OTHER FLATS from crap at the scrap-yard mostly).

    Good to carry simple cheap tire plugs since there's only ONE spare, and with FIVE plus screws/nails in single tire, who knows?

    Well other than that whenever I have better tires/better truck, I just may remove each valve stem and add stuff called "slime" to each tire just in-case.

    Gotta go , (found a new scrap yard that pays 75% MORE for steel and 3.05/lb. for bare copper, BUT it's 26 miles away ...URGH!!! ...Logistics...may need a NEW ROUTE, atleast it's on way to my storage unit though!)
    God Bless!

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  7. #24
    skylinejack started this thread.
    skylinejack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Sounds like someone did a drive by with a handful of roofing nail and winged them.

    Were they Simplex or regular roofing nails?

    Don't be so fast to blame the Roofers anyone can buy nails! Roofers get a bad rap to start with!
    I'm not sure injunjoe. I'm guessing Simplex? They were square headed little devils and about 3/4 in. length.

  8. #25
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skylinejackjr View Post
    I'm not sure injunjoe. I'm guessing Simplex? They were square headed little devils and about 3/4 in. length.
    Yup those babies almost always end upright when they land. Even if they don't when your tire hits them they turn up and stick right in. Be sure to check the lawn! Stepping on one of those will put a hurt'in on you!

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  10. #26
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Yup those babies almost always end upright when they land. Even if they don't when your tire hits them they turn up and stick right in. Be sure to check the lawn! Stepping on one of those will put a hurt'in on you!
    Hurts even worse when the lawn mower is chucking 'em at you.
    This would come in real handy, we've got one and it works well.
    18" Rolling Magnetic Sweeper Nail Metal Pick Up Magnet Tool
    Last edited by Mechanic688; 01-14-2012 at 12:18 AM.
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  11. #27
    CMHN's Avatar
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    Problem is, most roofing nails are aluminum so it wouldnt pick them up anyway.
    CMHN Recycling

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