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Judge me, hate me, whatever. As my pappy said Im not here to be liked by noone not even you. :> I do what I have to so my kid has a roof and a food. I cant work a mainstream jobn no more. Between the arthritis, degenerative changes, and blown discs, scrapping is my last resort. It is the one and last thing I can do. I can load the truck in a hour, unload in 10, made 200, and then take the rest of the day off if I have to. It sad Im just turning 32 in feb and Im this physically shot, but life sucks, then you die. So whether you think Im a vulture or not recommending pulling the absetos boiler, so be it. But Im not hungry neither is my kid. Our wonderful government deemed Im ok to work and wont pass the ss to me. Love to know where they got the mind meld machine frokm Star Trek to see how my body is, but whatever. The key is Im fed and not homeless with my 3 yr old. At least I aint like the other asshats busting tvs open and leaving a mess. Or stealing....there is no shame in a honest days works....
1. People's comments were (for the most part) well-intended, please believe that.
2. You carry some of that #$$% home on your clothes and in your hair and your cigarette smoke is also harmful to your child. Please think of that. Is she/he getting ear infections or frequent sinus/congestion symptoms? Some of those are can be really an allergic reaction to cigarette smoke. Causing an immediate health risk, not just the delayed ones .If you've given up on your own health, please don't give up on your child's. Besides cigarette money would probably be better spent in a college fund. Your kid may choose to be a scrapper, but wouldn't be better to have options? And what will happen to your baby if his/her mom is a single parent?
3. You may need to get a lawyer to get SS. They turn down a lot of people almost automatically. Please talk to one, they may do it for a later cut (meaning no money up front).
4. You may think that you have nothing left to lose - but you do! You still have better health and strength than you will have if you keep it up.
Please take this in the spirit in which it is intended - a desire for you to have the best life that you can for you and your family. Group hug.