Some of you all work for your self, others work for someone or you run a company...some where in that mix you land.
Those who run a know what I am talking about on this one lol.
But, for those who don't. Its 3:36am and I cant coffee or tea...just sitting here in my bed. Just want to rant off somethings that I love..and HATE about running a company.
If you work for your self.. that's not a try not to get that mixed up.
But lets start with some of the things I love,
even tho my pay could be as little as $50 for that whole week working my butt off (it happens....if nothing comes in...I make no money) it hurts yes...but..when I sit back and I can see that I am able to keep the people who work for me working...they have a roof over there heads and food in there belly... that's great (I try to hire people who really need a job bad and cant get one for one reason or another) so I am happy when I have work for makes me smile.
days when I can sit down relax and not have to work...just because I don't want to, no boss to worry about coming around and yelling at me or this or that.
Just something about building something up from the ground up...building a company that not only me by my mother and father (with my mother becoming ill and my father in his late 50s) being able to "take" care of them the same as they had me.
being able to work hands who really want to work and being able to play and joke with them and be more of there friend than a boss....they work there butts off
being able to take my brothers to work with me for the day...even when one goes cutting his knuckle off on some Al heat sinks (yea them suckers are sharp now talk about a bloody mess)
knowing that I started this back in 2011 in my mother and fathers house after I lost my job along with everyone else..I lost my home my motorcycle...i lost alot of things during that time...but now..I am slowly getting my live back and my company is growing
(p.s...this is kinda in random order of a man who has not sleeped in a few days...this is your warring now)
The things I hate
not being able to help my family more
Not having time to date, the last girlfriend I had was back in mid 09..she had cheated on me when i was working 60hour weeks....I drove to her house every day (3hour drive there...and 3hour drive back to work..I was on night shift) and i could not get ALL of her honey to do list done...kinda happy i am out of that now..but i gave it my all...maybe why I have not tried to date much?
Always on the road...and when I am home...I sleep (well...not sleeping tonight lmao)
having to keep finding work for the people who work for me...that can get you down real fast when you have to sit down and tell them there is no work..and you dont know when there will be... that's hard...
being the guy with two trucks, trailers pallets, pallet jack and every other thing you need to move anything in the think it sucks getting a call to move someone...I GET ALL THE CALLS from family to friends to people who live on my street (help anyone and everyone if it wont kill can down right save you later)
when you get to work...and I found out someone robbed me...if they really needed work that bad to feed there kids...i would of found something for them...i just hope it dose not to for drugs or beer
not being able to call into work and give them some fake story that I am sick...or even the truth when I really am sick!...for the most part...i still have to go as people on here and people who call or e-mail me from many other sites or from my own website....they will only talk to me for the most part
having your company on your mind all the time...having to worry to cover the companies bills let alone your OWN bills come companies bills come first.
Things I miss about working for someone else...
I knew what I was worth that day...every day...had a check I could count on...unless I was laid off. (never been fired from a job...hardly ever took a sick day...and was at work 30mins I have time to have a slow start to the work day)
being able to cover all my bills AND put money into MY back account (I think I have spiders that moved into my private back account)
I think I will end it there...its not 4:09...spell checker is going crazy at me (not the best speller around) and talk about ranting....this is a long one of someone who just needed to type some where.
Ok..I think I have all the spelling right...if the spell checkers fault not mine.