Updated progress pics on photobucket under dapperscrapper. Sorry, still all thumbs in getting image link to transfer.
Yesterday, cut the bottom in half and pulled out of the way, flipped over and ice fell out. Pulled another 30 ft of barge up on the beach. Nearing 2/3 completion. Averaging 1 Oxy tank per day and still on same LP tank!
a crane? that's cheating! :)
Barge update: 12 working days to cut up. Exactly 20 200# O2 tanks used (all on same LP tank!). 3 1/4 30yd roll offs of floatation foam removed. Missed total tonnage estimate by 3 tons (I estimated 42T, final weight 90,450 lb. #2 HMS shear).
Now all you need is another one!
Should have been un-prepared plate and structural 50/50 shear and torch cut material. I have cut up more barge pieces then I ever wanted to nothing ever went in the hms scrap pile ever. 100 percent plate and structural. If i could turn back time I would have let you know earlier so you could argue it to death with the yard.